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  • Ghamidi Sahab's Contradictory Views Regarding State And Muslim Individuals

    Posted by Mohammad Yousuf on January 24, 2024 at 6:26 am


    The teachings of Ghamidi sahab make me somewhat confused for the following reasons: please clear out

    1) Ghamidi sahab says that Deen addresses a person individually, not collectively…but the law of punishment,in this world, applies collectively,at national level ! So one has to participate in social, political and national activities for the betterment and needs guidance from Deen..?

    2) As per his concept,it is not obligatory to struggle for Aqamat e Deen or Nifaz e Shriya.., but in his book Meezan, chapter 2 (Deen e Haqq) , he looks quite opposite… while explaining and elaborating demands of Imaan he íncludes Amr bil maroof…Nusrat… and Qayam bil qist as necessary elements and demands of Imaan as well…the question is that if these things are taken into account, then establishing the shariya system becomes quite relevant and important to ensure and fulfill the above demands of Imaan in real sense… what is wrong in saying Aqamat e Deen..?

    3) He says if Deen needs help for its protection, flourishing or any commandments of Deen are trampled, muslims are duty bound to stand for its assistance or Nusrat that time…

    Contrary to it he puts the governors individually responsible to obey what Deen asks and demands from them according their post and position…

    The question is that if it happens, and the governors are not paying any heed to the commandments of Deen also… then is not it right and obligatory that muslims should stand in an organised manner for the establishment of shariya through a movement peacefully and democratically to replace the order or government by meritorious ones…?

    Kindly explain..

    Umer replied 1 year ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Ghamidi Sahab's Contradictory Views Regarding State And Muslim Individuals

    Umer updated 1 year ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar January 24, 2024 at 10:47 pm

    The whole confusion is the first question. Ghamidi saheb did not say that Deen does not address the Muslims collectively. He said, Deen addresses a person, and these persons make a society therefore Deen addresses the society. Wherever the Quran uses the plural form of a word, it means to address the Muslims collectively. Deen addresses a person in every of his position, so if he is a ruler, Deen tells him his responsibilities.

  • Umer

    Moderator January 25, 2024 at 1:22 am

    1) If one is in a position of leadership in a society where he has been given decision making power when it comes to laws of a country, then he, being a Muslim is duty bound to follow the directives of Sharia which address him in his capacity as a leader or which address to the society of Muslims as a whole.

    Please refer to the following video:

    Discussion 25901 • Reply 25933

    2) The requirement of Amr-bil-Maruf applies to each Muslim in his/her own domain. If one is a leader then his responsibility of Amar-bil-Maruf applies to all the Muslims living under his supervision. For a father, this responsbility applies to his household. Similarly, for a common muslim, this applies to the people under their supervision or in their immediate social circle. This has nothing to do with the concept of Aqamat-e-Deen. Ghamidi Sahab also differs with the understanding of the word Aqamat-e-Deen as portrayed by some scholars.

    Please see for details:

    Discussion 82198

    Discussion 37133 • Reply 37184

    3) The requirements of Nusrat-e-Deen and Qayam bil Qist are conditional requirements which are invoked only when certain circumstances arise for their manifestation, they are not absolute requirements. What may be Nusrat-e-Deen for one person may not be for another person, therefore this decision needs to be made by an individual and is subjective w.r.t each individual.

    Lastly, In democratic societies, we get a chance every five years to change a ruler who according to us is not a true follower of Islamic teachings. Therefore, we can always use that right to bring forth the change and for that we are free to muster public support in favour of our viewpoint as well. However, saying that Allah has put this absolute responsibility on Muslims to do political struggle and bring a ruler who will do Aqamat-e-deen on all of the society, such responsibility should come from Quran in clear terms otherwise it will be equivaent to inserting our own meaning in Quran.

    And for a detailed discussion regarding Muslims Behavior towards their Muslim Leader, and when can one go into open rebellion, please refer to the following thread:

    Discussion 36836

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