Is This Ayat Sort Of Mutashabe Ayat?
The ayat 70 of surah Furqan
“As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
here this ayah gives an vague idea that if someone repents then not only will his previous sins be removed but also they’ll be replaced by rewards accordingly.
and as Ghamidi Sahab said that the sins would be “removed” from nama e amaal and would be replaced with “good deeds” in his tafsir Al bayan.
does it mean that if for example in nama e amaal there was such information written as a reality that “on such and such day, on such and such time Ahmad did Stealing, which resulted in him getting big wealth”. so does it mean that instead of this being written as “Ahmad did Stealing”, any other good deed would be written in reality? like “Ahmad did such and such good deed”. trying to know or ascertain the reality of this ayah when it says that bad deeds will be replaced by good deeds, would be equivalent as to trying to know what is mutashabihat?
and what a person should keep himself reserved is to the result or idea that is meant to be delivered from such passage. which is a vague idea that a repenting person won’t be punished for his sins but rather be rewarded. am I right that this thing is mutashabe and only the meaning of idea should be understood and left without further knowing?
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