Validity Of Wudhu (Sweat From Private Parts)
Asselamu aleykum,
Unfortunately, I have suffered from over-thinking in religious matters, especially regarding the ablution. I have recently come to know that the Sahabah (ra) used to sweat from their rear private parts right after the defecation, which emits the najis sweat. It is well known that the Arabian peninsula is a hot climate area. So, sweating is the obvious thing. I have also posted questions regarding this earlier, as well. (including Discussion 90175)
From that post, It was clear to me that the undue hardship is pardoned. But in this case, the quantity of najasah is easily viewable. But, I could not find any report from the companions of the Holy Prophet (sav), that it also invalidates the wudu. Neither, there is a report that they used to wash themselves, after that. Actually, the question regarding this was posted to Islamqa by someone who was suffering from this. He was suffering from the hard task of cleaning himself after that. My question is, Does that invalidate the wudu?
Link to that post:- https://islamqa.info/en/answers/203136/he-sweats-and-sees-a-trace-of-najaasah-impurity-on-his-underwear
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