How Does "Ittmame Hujjat" Make Sense???
Ghamidi ji always brings the concept of Ittmima hujjat to defend the wars made by muslims, so if ittmame hujjat is only carried when truth has been unexcusabily ,undeniably and explicitly conveyed to non muslims then why people like abu sufiyaan and ikramah bin abu jahl and many others were converted after wars and why their convertions to Islam were accepted because Allah made clear that they were absolutely sure clear about Islam and letted muslims to kill them because ittmamehujja was done on them in Badr??? Then how can they convert to Islam after wars, if they already denied clear truth of Islam and Allah lettted muslims to kill them.?
There are two scenarios,
one either they were not clearly convinced i.e the hujjat wasnt completed and still Allah didnt let muslims know about it and avoid the war and order to not kill abu suffiyan and many other similiar ones???
And the second scenario is they faked their conversion to islam
Please clarify
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