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  • Asking For The Blessings Of This World

    Posted by Sarim Rehan on April 5, 2024 at 8:40 am


    Pondering over Quranm, i have deduced this much that, for Allah, hereafter is uncountable times more important and blessed than this world and thus it is only befitting for a muslim to seek the hereafter only while leaving aside this life. So much so, at several instances almighty has expressed his disdain when someone ask about the good things of this world, saying that he shall give the goodness of this world to those who strives for it but in hereafter, hell shall be there abode. My question is, is it bad to ask about the blessing, riches, good providence, abundant wealth and a vast livelihood if one ask it showing his helplessness and servitude to god? Allah himself foster us to ask from him only, so is it naturally bad if someone ask for the good of this world and also hereafter (though less since he hasn’t seen it yet).

    Thank You.

    Faisal Haroon replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Asking For The Blessings Of This World

    Faisal Haroon updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • Ali Khan

    Member April 5, 2024 at 9:01 am

    Its not bad. Rather what i have understood we should ask fir the best of both the worlds. Such things are also blessings of Allah and Allah is the best we should look to in this regard. As for the verse i guess it was in surah Baqra. What i have understood is kay there are some people who only ask for the goodness of this world or their priority is this world. What Allah wants from us is that we prioritise the hereafter and this world should come afterwards. So while asking Allah for blessings we can ask in a way that bless us with your blessings that will be beneficial to us in getting hidayat and the strait path and your reham in afterlife. My understanding of the matter baqi Allah knows best. Jazak Allah khair

  • Saad

    Contributor April 5, 2024 at 9:22 am

    Understand that the audience of the Qur’an were the Quraish which it was warning that in presence of Rasool, giving preference to worldly life over obeying Allah will cost them their Hereafter as immediate judgment was close after Itmam-e-Hujjat (Qur’an 10:47). This is why there are verses where Allah disapproves worldly life preference when a Rasool is present because judgment was close (Qur’an 9:24).

    The right attitude for Muslim in general is that you should ask for goodness in this life as well as the hereafter. We have example of prophets like Hazrat Zakariya (Qur’an 19:5) asking for a son and Hazrat Ibrahim asking for food and safety for his descendants (Qur’an 14:37).

    Discussion 75319
    Discussion 68480

    • Sarim Rehan

      Member April 5, 2024 at 12:39 pm

      You are right but at certain instances, Allah has said that it isn’t conceivable that someone have all the blessings of the world too and gets same blessing in the hereafter. What do you make of this? Again, there are certain things that a human kind wants to have fulfilled in this life such as landing on the expectations of parents, serving them when they turn old and senile and many more. We haven’t seen hereafter, ofcourse we have firm belief that the word of god is indeed true, so it is only natural that a person sometimes wants blessing of this world compelled by circumstances.

    • Saad

      Contributor April 5, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      It is not for me to say about this for Allah has already spoken (Qur’an 2:201-202). He is Generous, He will give you what you ask from Him in this life (as per His wisdom), He will give you in Hereafter and He will give you even more out of His grace if you remain faithful to Him, He is always giving, such is your Lord. He knows what His creation needs and desires. And He is happy when we asks from Him for everything (both worldly and Hereafter) because our success depends on having an active relationship with Him. Ghamidi Sahab said that there are things in this life, that will only be given to us if we ask Him for it, so do not lose out on those treasures that Allah has prepared for those who ask Him.

      He expects balance from man, that man will pursue all the desires (expectations of parents, serving them and many more) that He has put in him and then He tests who will maintain balance and who will go in extreme (forgetting Hereafter). So ask, whatever you need, ask Him. As long as you do not break His commandments, ask whatever you desire from Him and pursue this life, while keeping in mind that you will one Day come back to Him.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 5, 2024 at 1:38 pm

    Sarim, please note that if your question is regarding something in the Quran, according to the Ask Ghamidi Code of Conduct, you are required to share references (chapter and verse number). This keeps your question as well as moderator responses objective.

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