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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Can A Person Deliberately Stop His Dialysis Treatment


  • Can A Person Deliberately Stop His Dialysis Treatment

    Posted by Muhammad on April 27, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    As dialysis is considered as life support as person is hooked up to machine for keeping him alive.some people require dialysis 3 times a week and each session approximate takes 3 -4 hours.Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly. It often involves diverting blood to a machine to be cleaned.So it is not curing the kidneys it is just used as alternative option who cannot go for kidney transplant as it is expensive.As ghamidi sabh said it is ok for a person to stop life support and it will not considered suicide.Also I have seen people who are living their life with the help of machine which they have to carry with them maybe 24*7 but they looked happy. @UmerQureshi Bhai you also said stoping dialysis treatment will be considered suicide without genuine reason. So how person who stops life support will not be considered suicide as mentioned by ghamidi sabh in a video.

    Umer replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Can A Person Deliberately Stop His Dialysis Treatment

    Umer updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Muhammad

    Member April 27, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    Patricia LeBlack from Guyana has been on continuous kidney dialysis in London for 40 years and John Prestwich MBE died in 2006 at the age of 67, after 50 years in an iron lung. More invasive life support, such as heart/lung bypass, is only maintained for a few hours or days, but patients with artificial hearts have survived for as long as 512 days.

  • Muhammad

    Member May 24, 2024 at 5:57 am

    Please look into this question

  • Umer

    Moderator June 5, 2024 at 1:44 am

    Life support which Ghamidi Sahab is talking about relates to the situation where a person is barely conscious and is being kept alive just for the sake of it without any medical recourse available. It is in these circumstances that life support should be taken out.

    Dialysis is a different matter, it is a form of universally accepted medical treatment which keeps a person completely conscious and alive. Moreover, one can live a normal life to a great extent. It cannot be equated with urgent life support equipments like a ventilator etc. Therefore, if one can afford it then one should not opt out of this treatment. There can be other considerations like financial, difficulty/hardship, pain etc. which may force a person to choose not to opt this treatment which would be fine for those cases.

    Please refer to the videos provided in the following thread:

    Discussion 87885

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