Working For Fundraising Company For Charity Organisations
Aslam o Alaikum,
I am in retail sales for more than 16 year’s and recently approached by another company to work for them but I am not too much sure is it good to go or in another way is it halal or haram the money I’ll make from it?
Actually, it’s an agency offering job on self employed basis as advisor to work in shopping malls in UK to approach direct to people to collect charity for few of the major charity organisations of UK, they have designed in a way where you as advisor sell that particular product to people via weekly or monthly direct debit or even one off funding and it involves also weekly/monthly draws for customers to reward them against their funding but they can cancel their direct debit anytime if they want, and as advisor you will get set one off commission for selling that product to customers, as it’s self employed so more you sell more you get as commission and that’s yours earning. I hope you understand it so my question is that being a Muslim where such earning stands, I mean halal or haram as advisor as it involves also lottery for customers on weekly/monthly basis to generate collections for charity organisations. Jazakallah
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