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Forums Forums General Discussions Does Quran Confirm Bible As A Revealed Book?

  • Does Quran Confirm Bible As A Revealed Book?

    Posted by M Irfan on May 24, 2024 at 8:09 am

    In a recent discussion on youtube Ghamidi saheb said that Quran confirm bible, so my question is that in what sense does Ghamidi sahib understand this to be the case. Because

    1. Bible does not make the claim of a book from God.

    2. Christians themselves don’t believe it to be the direct revealed word of God. They claim its inspired and the Authors wrote what they understand and they made mistake in doing so. Note that this claim of theirs is not based on bible.

    3. In bible, It’s the human authors who are writing, nowhere it speaks as a first person like we see in the Quran where God is communicating but the bible is written in 3rd person context.

    4. Bible that we see in the book form is based on certain manuscripts and those manuscripts don’t agree with each other on lots of things which Christians have tried to hide with a harmonized and translated book like bible.

    5. There are many other points which can be raised against this idea that bible can be a revealed text.

    There can be some good teaching in the bible and many other things where we might agree with it but that does not make something a revelation.

    Saad Aamir replied 3 weeks, 1 day ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Does Quran Confirm Bible As A Revealed Book?

    Saad Aamir updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • M Irfan

    Member May 24, 2024 at 8:15 am

    The current translations which are available are from the manuscripts and texts which are dated from as early as 7th century towards the end of 11th century. And nobody know which book was read or available as Injeel or Torah in the early 7th century when Quran was being revealed.

  • Saad Aamir

    Member May 24, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    Can you share this video and time frame you are referring to?

    As far as I know Ghamidi Sahab does not believe that Bible is revelation of God, he refers to it as Israelite tradition, history and testimonies in which revelations of God like Torah (e.g where God is giving the law in Book of Exodus), Psalms (e.g the hymns of Hazrat Dawud) and Gospel (e.g where Hazrat Isa is giving the Sermon of the Mount) can be found in places. He accepts parts that agree with the Qur’an and states that generally, Qur’an confirms the religion of God found in Bible i.e Monotheism, the Angels, the Prophets, Salah, Zakat, Fasting, Sacrifice etc. He never stated that it’s fully reliable or everything must be accepted in it e.g he particularly refers to Book of Genesis as “Jewish history” and not at all a revelation in this video:

    0:00 – 2:10

  • M Irfan

    Member May 24, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    This is the link with time stamp.

    In this video he said that Quran confirms the history written in Bible.

    Cannot say necessarily that he meant that its theological concepts are confirmed as well.

    • Saad Aamir

      Member May 25, 2024 at 4:23 am

      I’m afraid this video does not confirm the idea that Ghamidi Sahab believes Bible to be a revealed book though. Just that Qur’an agrees with some history in Bible (particularly God giving surrounding regions of the promised land to followers of Hazrat Musa, that’s the history he’s referring to in the video).

      Whereas the video I shared above elaborates that he does not believe Bible as a whole to be a revelation as well.

      So the premise/claim that was basis of your query is not proven. And your views and Ghamidi Sahab’s on the Bible are almost similar (i.e it’s not reliable and just like anything, must be understood through the Qur’an).

      44:04 – 47:36

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