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  • Gods Foreknowledge

    Posted by elliot gilly on May 24, 2024 at 2:51 pm

    If Allah is all knowing then he knows what I will do before I do it, how is there logically any free will? How can I be punished for something god already knows I will do?

    Saad Aamir replied 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Gods Foreknowledge

    Saad Aamir updated 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • Saad Aamir

    Member May 25, 2024 at 4:49 am

    First of all, Allah has confirmed that we have free will and He is not forcing anyone to do anything even if He knows. Even if one doesn’t understand that, you gonna have to accept what God Himself has told us. And truth be told, while man can make up arguments but deep down, he knows he has free will, otherwise our courts would be empty.

    Secondly, just because He knows something, doesn’t mean it becomes a law or something. He is simply a witness to everything. Just because I saw you commit a crime or that I knew that you were going to commit a crime, does not mean I am somehow the one who made you commit the crime.. That’s illogical and an irrational leap in logic.

    So Allah is only a witness to our actions. And has knowledge because He needs to run the whole universe according to His plan, of course He needs to know the limits of our actions, otherwise it would be chaos. But He knows the moral choices we will make, He’s not the one making those ones for us. The only things He has chosen for us are some things like where we will be born, what we will look like etc.And whenever He takes control away from us in any situation, the accountability is also lifted for that moment.

    • elliot gilly

      Member May 25, 2024 at 6:21 am

      The difference is, we’re not creators, if I create something that I know will do evil by definition it’s pre determined and that entity only has the illusion of free will.

    • Saad Aamir

      Member May 25, 2024 at 10:33 am

      It’s not pre-determined (unless you know in certainty something we don’t). Definition of creation is that it can do both good and evil (this in the revelations that God gave us).

      Any further claims out of our understanding, are at best speculations and at worst false assumptions. True knowledge that comes from God in His Book confirms us that free will is not an illusion, since we can’t figure this knowledge out of own, it is best to accept what the Creator Himself is telling us.

  • Syed Bukhari

    Member May 25, 2024 at 10:08 am

    It is not that God created humans and destined it to do evil rather humans have capabilities of evil. Just like how they have capabilities of doing good. Now, between the good and the bad man is given a free will.

    • elliot gilly

      Member May 26, 2024 at 3:20 am

      God knew before creating us what we would do, so there is no reason or sense in creating us to test us.

    • Saad Aamir

      Member May 26, 2024 at 4:07 am

      Good, you have at last revealed the root issue of your question.

      But to say is there is ‘no reason or sense’ is a conclusion too soon and one should take a step back and ponder over what God Himself has spoken.

      God did not create this test to satisfy His own knowledge. According to Him, this test exists for us. He has no need for it but we do.
      Allah wanted everyone to show their deeds and then present this evidence to us.
      Then based on this evidence He will decide who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell.
      It is well known, especially in Qur’an, that people who will go to Hell are the one who will argue with Allah but since He chosen to make judgment based on evidence, all people on Day of Judgment will have no excuses when they know what they have done by their own hands rather than God simply telling them what they will do based on His knowledge. This world exists to collect evidence, not for God to figure out what we will do, but to collect evidence for Day of Judgment.

      Allah does this because He is Just. You may argue “He doesn’t have a reason to be just”, No, He doesn’t, but He choose to be, so here we are.

      But let me go deeper in your actual issue, you are confused because you can’t fathom a Being that has no needs. Of course it is difficult to understand as a creation that can only think and function inside their needs and never beyond. Your main problem is that “Why would God do anything, what reason does He have when He has no needs”

      Truth is, that is the difference between God and creation. God doesn’t require ‘needs’ to do anything, we do. And why would He has ‘needs’ and ‘reasons’ similar to us? We came after Him, He was before us, He is not based on us nor ‘function’ like us, there is no reason for this assumption, a speculation. God is the Ultimate Being, the Truth, the real Reason. He introduces Himself as “Al-Qayyum”, you know what that means? It means He exists because He exists, He does whatever He want because He can, He is who is He is. Purely independent, what He wants becomes the truth, it becomes the reason behind everything. He defines logic, He defines morality, He defines intelligence yet He is not forcefully bound by any of them, only what He desires.

      You are a creation, even if you move an inch, Allah can demand reason for it because we have ‘needs’, we need ‘reasons’, ever answerable to God but He isn’t (see Qur’an 21:23). But He can do what He wish and no one can demand a reason for it. Man gets ahead of himself when Allah reveals a little about Him and he start making assumptions, tries to make judgments about what God should or should not do but that is a fruitless thing people engage in, it’s not place for creation do that (see Qur’an 36:77). It is God who decides the ‘shoulds’, it is God who decides the ‘reason’. God decides, creation bows.

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