There’s no scientific proof for camel’s urine holding any medicinal purpose and the article only talks about old methods with no scientific backing, which are no longer used because they were never good in the first place. Prophet Muhammad wouldn’t give advice that would become outdated.
Also, the two hadis do contradict because either prophet Muhammad pbuh said both urine and milk or he said only milk, it can’t be that one adds to the other because thats just an assumption. Also, both hadis can’t be sahih, only one can, hence why they’re contradictory. Only one can be correct, which means only 1 can be sahih.
It’s pretty obvious that the one with camel urine is a fabrication because it makes more sense for camel’s milk to be good for you rather than a mixture of milk and urine or putting the urine on the skin, which again has no scientific backing. I mention scientific backing because prophet Muhammad’s advice still stands today ie dates being full of energy or misvak being a scientifically backed method of cleaning your teeth.
I don’t understand why people don’t want to consider this hadis as fabricated. There are many hadis which aren’t correct ie the one which says hazrat Ayesha was married at 9, and many others which directly contradict each other ie some hadis say hazrat Suleiman had 6 wives while others say 70, 80,90…
Anyways, I want to ask if you bring up the point to Hassan Ilias and Ghamidi Sagan that there’s sahih bukhari book 76 hadis 8 and 9 which are almost identical except one says camel’s milk and urine while the other says only camel’s milk, because I want to hear their response. Thank you.