Quran 33:50 – Cousin Marriage
The ruling of parda in Al Ahzab is considered only relative to Ajwaz e Mutahiraat but in a similar way Muhammed SAW is directly addressed in 33:50 giving him permission to marry his first cousins and any woman who devote herself to him. Allah said that this permission is only for Muhammed SAW.
Why r first cousins are allowed for all muslims? Why do we take the permission only relative to the last part(marry woman who devoted herself) and not the whole list?
I know Quran had mentioned list of prohibitive marriages and consequently all the rest are considered halal. But then why Allah mentioned first cousins exclusively if they were already halal?
I also know that church prohibits marrying first cousin, Bible and Torah allows it.
I’ll be grateful if someone can clarify this.
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