Do I Have To Clean Inside My Nails After Istinja?
Do I have to clean inside my nails after
istinja using hand after urinating or defecating? If yes, sometimes there is dirt inside my nails , do i have to clean the dirt first then wash inside my nails? or just pouring water inside my nails will clean the area even if there is dirt?
I get regular vaginal discharge. So I doubt that when I urinate , urine gets mixed with the discharge and stays there. So I started using tissue before urinating to clean the discharge then urinate. But later i realised discharge remains in between the labia minora even after pouring water and wiping normally. I tried wiping between the labia minira too but it hurts. So I use my fingers to clean with water. Now i am having doubts if the inside of my nails are impure or pure.
2. Also while washing the hand water splashes back at me from my hand and the sink. Are these drops of water impure, do I have to wash it off?
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