Question On Ethyl Alcohol In Foods
In Canada, there is a popular coffee shop named Tim Hortons. The shop says that its products – from coffees to donuts to pastries – all contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol). However, the quantity of ethyl alcohol found in these products will not intoxicate a person, hence they are sold to children as well. I was wondering whether it is permissible to consume these products? I did some searching, and these are the answers I came across:
This source says that consuming foods with ethyl alcohol is permissible, so long as it is not derived from grapes or dates.
2. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/146710/does-the-alcohol-in-kombucha-tea-make-it-haraam
This source says that a particular tea is permissible to drink because it does not contain an amount of alcohol that can lead to drunkenness.
3. https://www.understanding-islam.com/alcohol-used-in-cooking/
This source says that the food is permissible since the intoxicating liquor is removed in the process of cooking. However, I am confused as to what intoxicating liquor means.
Can someone provide me with any help here? I also intend on asking Javed Ghamidi in the Q & A session in December.
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