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  • Is Zina Adultery Or Fornication As Well? Reasoning For Prohibiting Fornication.

    Posted by Muhammad Abdullah on May 14, 2021 at 3:35 pm

    Does the word “Zina” cover both adultery and fornication or only adultery since, even according to Ghamidi shb, the actual prohibition is on adultery?

    Next, he says that as a preventive measure, fornication is also prohibited. I am unable to understand that. With alcohol/Khimar it might make sense that it be prohibited at smaller amounts as well as a preventive measure however, what is the relation for fornication leading to adultery? Also, what if fornication is done in a way to make sure no out-of-wedlock child is born, then that does not leave any room for reasoning of this prohibition on fornication.


    Fahad Iqbal replied 3 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • Is Zina Adultery Or Fornication As Well? Reasoning For Prohibiting Fornication.

    Fahad Iqbal updated 3 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 29 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator May 15, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Please always share a reference.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member May 17, 2021 at 7:06 pm

      Here is the link where Ghamidi sahb is explaining that the actual prohibition is on adultery however, because it can be an addiction, the prohibition has been applied on fornication and all other affairs leading to it as well. My question is in this context that how this is claimed to be an addiction like alcohol.

      Moreover, as he explains that the reasoning of prohibition of adultery is to protect the instituion of marriage so that the future of next generation that is being raised, is protected. My last question was in this context that what if no out-of-wedlock child is born as an outcome, then what factor leaves the room for prohibition on this act?


    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator May 17, 2021 at 7:48 pm

      My question is in this context that how this is claimed to be an addiction…

      One can ask people who are involved in this act – one is never enough. Behavioral science also tells us that sex can become an addiction. In fact in the west they have centers and hotlines to help those who fall into this serious addiction.

      My last question was in this context that what if no out-of-wedlock child is born as an outcome…

      In principle, laws are always general. Once we understand a law, it has to be obeyed in letter and spirit. If there can be any allowed exceptions, they’re either directly or indirectly communicated by God or His messengers.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member May 21, 2021 at 6:38 pm

      Thank You so very much for this response, Faisal Shb. This is super helpful. I’ll look into the resources/stats that you have mentioned iA.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member May 21, 2021 at 6:44 pm

      Meanwhile, to the said fact that sex can become an addiction; it shouldn’t be a problem anymore after one gets married, as it becomes completely legal between the spouses? When we put this logic in context, does there still remain any other rationale for the prohibition?

    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator May 21, 2021 at 7:54 pm

      I’m not sure if understand your question correctly. After marriage it becomes legal with one’s spouse only.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member May 21, 2021 at 10:04 pm

      We talked about the addiction. One might get addicted to this act but what difference does it make?

      Once they are married they can have it (with their spouse) as many times as they want even if they are addicted.

    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator May 22, 2021 at 7:19 pm

      The addiction is not just with sex but also having it with different people.

  • Mohd Aqib Alam

    Member May 15, 2021 at 8:10 am

    Family is the basic institution of mankind since man is born fragile and weak

    For keeping human race alive and bringing up in a right way it is compulsory to put some restrictions on them without those restrictions on their sexual urge it is impossible to keep this institution safe secure and stable

    So for the safety of our race it was required to accept some restrictions

    Since sex is also an addiction like drugs so restrictions has to be followed completely without any possible exceptions which could be extended

  • Umer

    Moderator May 15, 2021 at 5:17 pm

    The verse of the Quran is very explicit and there doesn’t seem any room differentiating the punishment solely on the basis of being married and unmarried. Marital status will be considered by the court when deciding the severity of the crime and circumstances of the perpetrator, among other things, and it may or may not become a reason for relaxation in the punishment while announcing the final verdict. However, when the punishment is executed, the person is a convict in the eyes of the law, irrespective of the person’s marital status, the restriction for marriage of a convicted adulterer/fornicator applies equally to the convict in his/her status as a convict and not as a married or an unmarried convict.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member May 17, 2021 at 4:08 pm

      Ummm, I am a bit confused about the response. There wasn’t anything about punishment but merely about the meaning of word whether it means fornication or adultery or both.

      Would be glad if other questions are also answered.

    • Umer

      Moderator May 17, 2021 at 4:34 pm

      I think Ghamidi Sahab has been very clear about the restriction of zina for both married and unmarried. The ruling is not restricted to adultery (zina by the married) but includes the fornicators (zina by the unmarried). Quran has been been very clear about sexual relationships to be limited between only husband and a wife (Quran 23:06) and (Quran 70:30). Allowing sexual relationships before marriage tantamount to destruction of institution of marriage/family.

      Discussion 34180 • Reply 35812

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member June 12, 2021 at 7:13 am

      I had the same question and came here to ask but i thought someone might have asked it before me so i searched for it and this discussion popped up. I read the whole discussion and but still I’m confused. As you said

      ” Meanwhile, to the said fact that sex can become an addiction; it shouldn’t be a problem anymore after one gets married, as it becomes completely legal between the spouses? When we put this logic in context, does there still remain any other rationale for the prohibition? “

      So if you have gotten your answer please explain it to me.

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member June 12, 2021 at 5:55 pm

      @Huzaifa as per the response by Faisal Haroon shb, it seems that it becomes addiction of having affair with different people, not just one person.

  • Fahad Iqbal

    Member May 17, 2021 at 11:45 pm


    Zina Definition: Zina encompasses any sexual intercourse except that between husband and wife or between a master and his slave woman when slavery was not yet prohibited During the Time of Prophet(but later taking slaves was prohibited in the Quran). It includes both extramarital sex and premarital sex, and is often translated as “fornication” in English.

    Technically, zina only refers to the act of penetration, while non-penetrative sex acts outside of marriage were censured by the Prophet as that which can lead to zina.

    Reason of Prohibition: “And Do Not go near Zina, indeed, Because it is an open Lewdness(Vulgarity/Obscenity/Shameless Act) and is an Extremely Evil Path/way.” Quran; Surah Al-Israa/Bani Israeel, Ch:17; Verse:32

  • Nadeem

    Member June 12, 2021 at 8:30 am

    All the arguments above raise many questions for which I have not found a satisfactory answer. There is no question that Zina is prohibitted in Islam, but why is it prohibited and in which case and at what extent the punishment in this World and afterwards is applicable.

    1. Having a child without a marriage is almost impossible these days unless someone is deliberate or exceptionally careless and even if a child is born out of wedlock, it is not necessary that the parents will neglect the child. What if they get married afterwards or take exceptionally good care of the child.

    2. If Zina is prohibited for the sake of family, why the punishment of Zina is so severe than any other act that causes neglect or abuse of a family. None other acts that harm a family are explicitly stated in Quran.

    3. Controlling the desire in one’s prime is extremely difficult and only exceptionally strong can achieve complete purity. It is equivalents to the brain completely shutting down for many. How could a test be so severe and punishment in this World and afterwards be so extreme for such act when Islam is supposed to be logical and easy religion to follow.

    The only hope is that unlike Shirk, Zina may be forgiven by Allah; otherwise too many would be in big trouble.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member June 12, 2021 at 9:22 am

      Exactly, that’s where I am confused. I have been searching for answer for past few months now and i haven’t really gotten a satisfactory answer. I request all the moderators to please ask this question to Ghamidi sir. I would love to hear what he has to say about these confusions. @UmerQureshi , @faisalharoon

    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member June 12, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      The punishment of Zina, as per my understanding, is given by the court in an Islamic country iff the act has been proven to the extent of complete honesty. Even after that, the selection of punishment is based on the circumstances. However, I do not understand the severity of the punishment in hereafter though; is it mentioned somewhere in the Quran?

      Moreover, as this does not relate to “Huqooq-ul-Ibaad”, I do agree that repentance or seeking forgiveness might invoke Allah’s mercy even though it is considered as a Great Sin.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 13, 2021 at 4:08 am

    Sex before marriage may lead a person to stay the same (having sex with different partners) or tend to stay the same even after the marriage.

    It may lead to have a child or to make the unmarried couple abort the baby, which may include killing of a human, if it is done after the fetus attains the status of human (after 4 month pregnancy).

    The child born out of wedlock my be abandoned by his father or both by father and mother and the state has to look after him or her without care of parents, which has not substitution.

    Unwanted child may or may not be accepted by other family members: grandparents, for example.

    Even in boy-friend and girl-friend culture, it is not acceptable to have partners other than the immediate ones: the boy and the girl. One may question this restriction too, as man made restrictions are subject to change, they have no sanctity.

    Furthermore, free sex before marriage will ultimately ruin the civilization and the society will become a jungle.

    In short, allowing sex without marriage bond leads or tends to lead to damage the institution of family, which is crucial for the safe and compassionate upbringing of human child. Also, Man is always in need of his family at every step of his life, till his death.

    • Nadeem

      Member June 13, 2021 at 7:49 am

      Brother Irfan, you response begs for more details. I do not support open society, but I am exploring the core reason why Islam has prohibited open relationships. The reasons I see do not carry weight. In addition to my statement earlier, I wonder

      1. If preservation of family is the core reason to prohibit free sex, then I am confused why Quran recommends that a adulterer can only marry an adulteress or idolatress. I am assuming here that Quran is talking about a habitual adulterer or adulteress.

      2. Is there any research that adultery becomes an addiction and remains to be an addition after marriage…any more than a married person wishing for multiple wives?

      3. These days getting accidentally pregnant is either deliberate or complete carelessness; especially when there is morning after pill. Then early abortion is fairly simple.

      4. Having free sex will ruin society need to be seen. All societies come to an end no matter what.

      I still conclude that it is prohibited just because Allah said so…to test us and give us various rankings. It doesn’t seem much different from the test of fasting, prayer, etc.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member June 14, 2021 at 6:50 am

  • Fahad Iqbal

    Member June 13, 2021 at 9:12 am

    why Islam has prohibited open relationships.

    Because Children & Old Grandparents will be marginalized and ignored in an open relationship.

    For children to be properly nurtured and raised the Mother and father have to loyal to one another , in order to provide stable and ideal Parenting for their kids. In the absence of Loyalty the kids will suffer psychologically, emotionally and their physical growth will be stunted. If hypothetically we humans were born as adults and there were no children to be taken care off than there will be no reason to prohibit open relationships.

    For Older grandparents also this care is necessary as they are not able to do it on their own. Its the responsibility of their kids now parents of their grandkids, to take care of them. Ethically they owe it to them as they raised them when they were kids before. In Open relationships this responsibility will be ignored in favor of “Old Age Homes” as we see in the West unfortunately. If hypothetically We would born & die as adults & we didn’t become old or age older with time or would stay youth forever than there would be no need for a closed family.

    I am confused why Quran recommends that a adulterer can only marry an adulteress or idolatress.

    When read in context, The Quran is talking about a Man and Woman who are proven by court of law/ Judge as Adulterers. This is their punishment as they religiously stand illegal to marry a pure Man or Women.

    Is there any research that adultery becomes an addiction

    Yes. Plenty of Medical Researches available online. Here is one:

    I will inshAllah reply later on your last two comments about abortion & free sex society.

  • Nadeem

    Member June 13, 2021 at 10:20 am

    For those who may not read the entire thread, once again I am not condoning open lifestyle, it is a great sin in Islam. The conversation is for better understanding.

    Brother Fahad love to have a deep conversation with you:

    Analyzing Western societies where people are more open before marriage and less afterwards, it seems like there are much less issues with children, parenting, grandparents, etc., as compared to some conservative societies. These issues are the results of not just adultery but can be due to lack of education, economic conditions, moral values, religion, etc.

    What would happen to the children or family of adulterer and adulteress once they are married together? Once again prohibition on adultery seems to be Allah’s order, we are trying to justify through various benefits. Everything has benefits and drawbacks. I do not see a direct reference in Quran that adultery is prohibited to preserve family?

    I do not see how adultery is more addictive than a person who is exposed to the act through marriage? A married person is as inclined to having more than one partner. What stops a person is not marriage, it is culture, religion, laws, wealth, physical appearance, etc. All this also stops an adulterer as much.

    Also, please note adultery is a grave sin with grave punishment, but neglect of family or children is not mentioned. If family was the main focus, Allah would have address family neglect as a grave sin and would have prohibited adultery as a lesser sin, but no more than Alcohol consumption and gambling.

    Once again, it seems like adultery is prohibited because Allah said so or we haven’t discovered the true reason.

    • Fahad Iqbal

      Member June 14, 2021 at 6:28 am

      Bro in the West they have Specialized Day Care Centers for Kids & Old Age homes for Older Grandparents. Due to status & lifestyle choice both these categories of vulnerable people are being ignored & marginalized. Their rights are not being fulfilled properly.

      A Married person is more likely to indulge in fornication/adulatory If he is involved in it before Marriage, with a partner other than his wife. Again the research and the personal experiences of people on this issue are plenty. That is the exact definition of addiction. What stops a person from Adulatory is protection of his dignity and self awareness about self esteem in society. Marriage only takes away the excuse of having lustful tendencies fulfilled in a evil way. That’s it. As Per Quran Namaz/Salah prevents a person from Shameless/Vulgarity & evil attitude.

      Also, I wonder how many people here, including you & me, would like to marry a Prostitute or a Porn-star? No one here would say they would volunteer for such a relationship even if the Woman is insanely Rich. Self Dignity & Purity of Character is more important to us as Humans than anything physical or material in this world. My apologies but its easy to criticize a Hukam of Quran by rationalizing it as a grave Sin & punishment. We need to see the wisdom behind that Sin. Purity in character is a great Moral Incentive for society and Ideal for Child’s nurturing. Even today The Presidents of developed Nations are forced to resign if faced with an allegation of Fornication.

      A Man or a Woman with visible impure character loses all self respect in society and hence communication. They become an outcast & the society pushes them to the outskirts of Cities, slums or Red Light Areas. Those areas are considered as Filth where the sexually perverted & Frustrated people go to get rid of their frustration in secret. They are not allowed in live in well respected areas of inner Cities or towns along-with Families. The West is a great example.

      Therefore in order to mainstream these outcasts, they must be punished and made to vow/oath of character purity and dignity for future. Their rights must be protected unlike the west where these group of people are viciously abused. As Ex Pornstars have admitted themselves in the US.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member June 14, 2021 at 6:53 am

      What if two people love each other and they commit fornication and later on they get married? Talking about West, People have different culture and sex before marriage isn’t the only reason for doing whatever you mentioned here. Yes reason behind prohibition of adultery is understandable to an extent but our main concern is fornication. BTW no one here criticized Quranic Hukm. We only tried to understand the wisdom behind prevention of this sin and punishment that has been assigned for this sin.

    • Fahad Iqbal

      Member June 14, 2021 at 10:10 am

      What if two people love each other and they commit fornication and later on they get married?

      It will be considered as a Legal Marriage in the eyes of Quran provided that both Husband and Wife must swear an oath of Purity Before Allah, in character and vow never to indulge in sexual relationship outside marriage for the rest of their lives. Sincere Repentance & Taubah both in words and Actions. Only than they will be forgiven.

      sex before marriage isn’t the only reason for doing whatever you mentioned here.

      The only logical reason I can think of is: Man’s Selfish desire for Freedom/liberty of Self Pleasure & Exploitation of Women. Without Responsibility & without caring for the Consequences for the other person. What happens to the Dignity of the girl involved in fornication? Thrown with vicious & disrespectful name-calling in society such as “Slut” ,”Bitch” & “Whore”. While the Man gets away with it. Infact he is Praised in the society for “Scoring” the girl. His Friends ask: “What’s the “Kill Count Bro”. His dignity remains intact. And Hence Men exploit this human behavior in order to Justify Fornication and Have all the pleasure without the responsibility of its end result. Fornication exploits the Human rights and Dignity of Women and hence its absolutely justifiable to prohibit it and have a check on evil desires and intentions of a man. Hence the Strong public punishment for fornication: 100 lashes for both Man and Woman. Because it takes two to commit a crime.

      our main concern is fornication

      Kindly read this Medical Research on Sex Addicts:

      Sex is an addiction and hence it will be extremely difficult to get rid of this addiction even after marriage. Hence in order to curb it Quran Refuses to allow fornication before marriage as well. Its similar to Alcohol. In small amounts may not cause a human to loose his common sense and may not get high But its extremely probable that the person gets addicted to it later on. Alcohol does give content, a level of satisfaction where a person just forgets all his problems for a while but it also has a “kick” and the person loses his control over his self, Using only his Animal instincts and falls in shameless acts such as Fornication. Hence the Quran declares it as “Filthy Satanic Habit” and strongly suggests the Believers to stay away from it. Same way with Fornication. Its a famous saying in the West: ” Alcohol gets the Hormones Flowing.”

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 14, 2021 at 6:41 am

    Fahad Iqbal sahib, the questioner did not criticized the Hukm of Quran, but he is not satisfied with the wisdom we are justifying this prohibition with, as it is not explained by God himself in Quran.

    Secondly, he is not talking about prostitution (a profession) but our of marriage relationship, which is a different thing.

    • Fahad Iqbal

      Member June 14, 2021 at 9:30 am

      Sir Brother Nadeem was asking about the ills of “Free Sex Society”. Prostitution and Pornography are two legal professions that fall under this category in the West and now increasingly in the East under the grab of “Liberty/Freedom of Choice, Working rights & Human Rights”. By the way both these categories also fall in out of Marriage “open” relationships. By Definition Free Sex means no bounds and limits on sexual relationships or Freedom to have sexual partners as many as one likes.

      I agree the brother wasn’t criticizing the Hukam of Quran. I may be wrong in my assumptions. Hence I apologized in advance in my post. 🙂

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 14, 2021 at 7:04 am

    1. “If preservation of family is the core reason to prohibit free sex, then I am confused why Quran recommends that a adulterer can only marry an adulteress or idolatress. I am assuming here that Quran is talking about a habitual adulterer or adulterer”

    Quran talks about the adulterer who is proven guilty by the court. Quran is not suggesting them to marry an adulterer or an adulteress, but showing its contempt that such filthy people are not eligible to marry modest Muslim man and women. They should marry with each other or with a polytheist who is indulged in a false belief, which is declared filth of belief.

    2. “These days getting accidentally pregnant is either deliberate or complete carelessness; especially when there is morning after pill. Then early abortion is fairly simple.”

    To kill a being without a valid reason is inhuman and cruel. Would you like to kill a dog without any reason? then why a fetus which would be going to be a human should be killed (aborted) because it takes place accidently. It is cruel.

    Once free sex is allowed, even if the safe sex, it will lead or tend to lead to make man indisciplined in the matter of sex. It is a preventive measure taken by God, because, here, if God had not given His verdict, man could have not adopted a definite position or stand on having sex out of marriage bond for at least unmarried persons.

    We see in the case of alcohol, safe drinking can never stop a lot many people going wild and cause trouble for the society.

    3. “Having free sex will ruin society need to be seen. All societies come to an end no matter what.”

    I mean it will ruin the civilization where the institution of marriage is holding human beings together. All ethics stems through and transmit from family. This is another problem that all societies will come an end, like human beings come to their death.

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