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  • Antinatalism Philosophy

    Posted by Shadab Munshi on June 3, 2021 at 5:54 am

    •Will it be a sin, to not to do a marriage or kids, by following the thoughts of negative birth value of life with reference to philosophy called anti-natalism with strong arguments made by author David Benatar in Book ‘Better Never To Have Been’ and other many points to be noted out & as seen by our eyes in current situation of earth ?

    •Also, can we question our existence with at least the feeling of anxiety about life not as a anger or hate but with respect to fear ?

    •Last, Can we put a free will point in this situation of giving birth to kids in this world & Can we recommend this theory to someone ?

    Umer replied 3 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Antinatalism Philosophy

    Umer updated 3 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • ودود

    Member June 3, 2021 at 9:52 am

    Allah has appointed us as the master of all the resources we have in the world and given us a task to spend them with justice and excellence. The resources on our disposal include the time, the intellect, the body, money etc that we are blessed with. Wasting those resources by avoiding responsibility of raising a family and contributing to the continuity of the human race will tantamount to unfair and suboptimal use of the resources. In my view, an unfair and suboptimal use of the resources is likely to fail you the test for which you are here on the planet earth.

    Don’t understand your other two questions.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 3, 2021 at 11:51 am

    Once someone understands the status of institution of marriage as presented in Islam in the bigger context of a social system, then the philosophical ideas such as antinatalism become irrelevant. For details, please watch the video in the following thread:

    Discussion 29869

    • Shadab Munshi

      Member June 3, 2021 at 12:17 pm

      Yes, Sir, I’ve already understood the solution of living people, but please look at the photo of discussion which I’ve attached, in which the solution is for living humans, if they don’t do this then their life will become nomad or whatsoever reasons. But in anti-natalism point of view its about who is going to come in this world, if we bare the normal or even bad circumstances by not giving birth to kids then it will hurt us and yes, we will live unworthy ( maybe ). But what about the kids, whom we are bringing in this world, for the people sitting in air-conditioned office, it is easy to say that anti-natalism theory is baseless. But for the people who are living in overpopulated places like India, where education is expensive, health sector is zero-care, ( in covid 2nd wave, thousands of people died just because of lack of oxygen, millions of kids are orphan ) where for even job of cleaners PHD holders are applying, where political system is corrupt, and there is no way for people to even go in other countries to settle as rules are becoming more difficult and difficult & Islamophobia is increasing day by day, facists are in power, thn, Sir, those who don’t the situation here, how can they tell that anti-natalism is baseless & everyone should procreate, If someone don’t procreate in this situation of India, why would he be against Islam in first place. Why can’t he encourage this theory to people, and that’s why my question is about who will come in this world if we procreate in future, Beshak Allah will care, But isn’t it in our hands to not to procreate in this situation, I know However hard i try, I will not be able to explain it in words, that’s why I want to ask this question to Sir, if it can reach to him (only) but i guess discuss will not reach to sir. But i hoped may be he would have understand the feelings of question. Thankyou.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator June 3, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    One must understand God scheme for creation of this world. You work for afterlife in this world.
    SInce, this life is a test there will be disasters as well as good days either as an indiviual or at world level. All this sufferings and happiness is inevitable in course of life until judgement day. On an indiviual level, you are free to make choice of not marrying and giving birth to child. Its not a sin.Refer to following thread
    Discussion 33935

    Once you believe in God and Quran to be its ture word, how you can justifiy preaching a limited vision against God words?
    For other question you can open new thread as one question is allowed per thread

    P.S: You can directly ask your question to Ghamidi sb by registering for next even of ask ghamidi live. The event will be soon announced by faisal sb. You can visit link for more info.
    Discussion 28883

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 3, 2021 at 4:23 pm

    Shadab, issues can’t be generalized on the basis of exceptions. Humans are blessed with the power of intellect and as in every other decision, we are required to use this power in deciding if and when to start a family depending on our individual situations. Carving out entire philosophies on the basis of exceptions requiring unnatural behavior from human beings is not only counter to reason, but as evidenced by history, never leads to any positive results.

  • Umer

    Moderator June 5, 2021 at 12:38 am

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