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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Why Not Whole Salah In One's Own Language

  • Why Not Whole Salah In One's Own Language

    Posted by Tushar Dwivedi on March 9, 2022 at 3:00 am

    Assalamualekum Sir, my question is that I can understand that If I am praying in congregation then we all have one common language for Salah so that anyone doesn’t feel any discomfort. But If we are praying alone then can a person in its own language? And we all know As Jawed Sir always says that Human have been reading the salah since Adam.. So, if it is then Were all human offering salah in Arabic because it happens then only one language is now present not so many… Different Prophets belonged to different places.. And different places have different languages.. Just think logically that If Our God’ name can change for different tribes like Eel in torah on the other hand Allah in Quran because of human’s language and understanding.. So why prayer’s language can’t change? Just think that If Allah choosed any prophet for any tribe then prophet were teaching first language then the right path. Because we can maintain our bond to our God only in Arabic language otherwise our creator doesn’t listen my request or prayer…? Is this really logical?

    Tushar Dwivedi replied 2 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Why Not Whole Salah In One's Own Language

  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 9, 2022 at 4:22 am

    There are certain parts which are obligatory. Reciting Quran in Arabic is obligatory. Dua can be made in own language. See following threads
    Discussion 5706

    Discussion 42657

    Discussion 49930

  • Tushar Dwivedi

    Member March 9, 2022 at 7:19 am

    Dear sir, My question is based on only these 5 arabic things like Allahu akbar, Surah Fatiha, Adding one surah, Sami Allahu liman hamida and Assalamualaikum… Why Are these things in arabic? Please now, once again read my question

  • Gohar Ayub

    Member March 9, 2022 at 8:29 am

    This is my opinion and not almawrid. To be honest I even wouldn’t be asking this question. Because praying salat on my own is totally personal so say in whatever language you like. If one can read Quran in any language, then even reading the Quran part in salat in our own language is I think no issue. And you have given enough logical reasoning..

  • Tushar Dwivedi

    Member March 9, 2022 at 9:21 am

    Thank u so much Gohar for understanding me… ☺☺

  • Obaid R. Khan

    Member March 10, 2022 at 2:53 am

    I think the spirit and originality of Salah and Quran will be dead if we pray and read it in our languages. Actual prayer and Quran should be ready in the original language it’s send, but Yes, the meaning should be well understood in one’s own mother language.

    For a muslim it should be compulsory to learn enough Arabic to understand Quran and read it in prayers. It’s a small thing to do for one’s religion.

    Saying Salah in one’s own language with passage of time will dilute and contaminate the original prayer. It’s been observed that ancient religions like Sanatan Dharam, Christianity, lost their authenticity of original message when majority of their followers forgot to read the original religious books.

    Wrong translation and false believes were interpolated, interjected by the few who became the custodian of those religions, the common public gets satisfied performing and reading the edited and falsified versions, with passage of time the common people even lossess the desire and will, to learn and understand the original language to follow the true correct religion. Sanskrit is almost dead, Aramaic is dead, so is Avesta the ancient Parsi language. In my humble opinion if any religion looses it’s original text language, the religion dies, 99% of Hindus can’t read and understand Sanskrit, from 1 Ishwara they have come down to millions, same with 99.9% Christians who can’t read understand Aramaic, and turned Christ into son of God, and 99.9% Parsi who can’t read Avestan and started worshipping the fire.

    If any religion is read in it’s original language, it helps keep both, the language and the message pure and alive.


  • Tushar Dwivedi

    Member March 10, 2022 at 7:15 am

    Yes my brother, I can understand your point. But, it is logically not possible that we will lose the original message just because Arabic language is now present and people speak arabic language and the original script is still present.. So, we should have to understand it and then we can read it in any language and whenever the problem will arise, we will go back to search the actual word of arabic with their meaning… And second thing is that, Allah knows our future.. If our reading salah in own language will eliminate our true religion in future then according to me, Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) was never be the last prophet… And Quran was not be our last book… So,according to me, it will not happen…. ☺

  • Umer

    Moderator March 10, 2022 at 7:16 am

    Matters of Ibadah which are transmitted through ijma and tawatur as an initiated Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (sws) cannot be subjected to ijtihaad. Of course we can try to understand reason behind every Ibadah and every other matter surrounding it. But the way Ibadah is to be done and the concessions to be mindful of are things not subject to our own ijtihaad. So when Sunnah states to recite Quran in Salah, it obviously follows to read Quran in Arabic only, any translation of Quran cannot replace real Quran in Arabic. Same goes for other rituals and utterances made obligatory in Salah through Sunnah.

    To understand the matter from a Principle stand-point, please see:

    Discussion 34437 • Reply 44909

    Please refer to the following response by Ghamidi Sahab from 1:21:11 to 1:23:42

  • Umer

    Moderator March 10, 2022 at 7:16 am

    Please also refer to the following response by Ghamidi Sahab from 1:19:30 to 1:22:28

  • Tushar Dwivedi

    Member March 10, 2022 at 11:25 am

    Sir, Did all prophets offer salah only in arabic? According to my knowledge, absolutely no. And we can see that in Torah that Eel word is used in place of Allah for god… So Were they saying “Eel hu akbar” in salah? Now, where is the sunnah and ijtihaad and ijma of prophets ? They all were using different languages because of their different times and different places…… So, if word of God could change for different generations then why couldn’t the language…… If you will ask to me that Were different prophets offering different types of Salah? Then, I will say that All the prophets offered salah in Same Posture, i repeat same posture means In starting raising hand, qiyam, ruku, stand after ruku, two sajda, sitting in 2nd rakah after two sajda, sitting again in last rakah, then moving face side to end salah…. All the postures were same for all the prophets…. But not language….. Prophet Muhammad( P.B.U.H) offered salah in arabic and all the companions of prophet, generation after them, all great imams were repeating it and transferring it to their generation in arabic… Because that was their mother tongue language.. They didn’t have any problem in offering it because they used arabic daily in their life…. But what about the people of india, America, and all other countries who don’t have arabic language in their daily basis… If the name of God could change for different people of different generations So why can’t language of salah change?… Sir, Allah knows everything. ( every language either arabic or other) . Salah is the method of connecting our relationship with Allah( not with the person who knows only Arabic) It depends on our intention, our emotions, our feelings of surrender in front of God..And yes. I agree that the obligatory parts of saying are 5- Allahu akbar, Surah Fatiha, Adding One Surah,Sami Allah hu liman hamida and Assalamualekum and without them ,salah is invalid… But… These obligatory sayings can be offered in any language….

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