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  • Can Rule Of Certainty Regarding Impurity Still Be Applied If One Cannot Check

    Posted by Farah Ulfat on April 10, 2022 at 8:39 am


    I know that something is not impure unless one is certain about it. In other words, Certainty can not be affected by doubt. And if I feel like an impurity in a place, I have to check if the the color and smell has changed.

    1.But what if I can’t check the smell? Like if I get splashes in my stomach while doing istinja or washing an impurity on the sink. I can see that the splash does have the color of the impurity but I can’t smell it since my nose can not reach that place. In this case, can the rule of certainty still be applied?

    2. What if I can’t neither smell nor see it? Like if I get splash on my back or butt while during istinja. Can the rule of certainty applied in this case too?

    3. What if i forget to check or didn’t check properly, can the rule of certainty still be applied? Like today after completing washing, I was wearing my underwear. I felt a little wetness on my underwear band. Since I was on my period so I started to doubt if it was water or blood. I flipped the band saw no redness and thought it was just water. Later I remembered that I didn’t smell it but when I remembered it was already dry. So there was no way to confirm. Can the rule of certainty applied in this case too?

    4. If drops of urine fall on the top of my feet. If I pour a mug of water, Is the water underneath my feet impure now or not? Do I have to bend my feet and wash the back of my feet? Or do I have to pour another mug of water on top of my feet?

    Umer replied 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 36 Replies
  • 36 Replies
  • Can Rule Of Certainty Regarding Impurity Still Be Applied If One Cannot Check

    Umer updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 36 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator April 10, 2022 at 4:44 pm

    1) Color and/or smell are not the only criteria to be certain, so if one is certain about an impurity through other means, they can opt to clean that portion of their body where they have impurity.

    2) Just feeling a splash is not a good enough reason to be certain about an impurity.

    3) Smell is not always a requisite to ensure presence/absence of impurity. Since one saw no impurity when checked, therefore, there was none to doubt at a later stage.

    4) Water not only removes the impurity, it also dilutes it. So whatever impurity that remains, if any, would be negligible to bother about.

    Please refer to the following threads where these points and many others have been discussed at length:

    Discussion 59312

    Discussion 62141

    Discussion 59667

    Discussion 63486

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 11, 2022 at 1:35 am

    Mr. Umer Qureshi you said in 1 that “Color and/or smell are not the only criteria to be certain” in what other ways one can be certain?

    And what if I forget to check and wear my clothes in that case can the rule of certainty be applied? Sometimes urine drops are clear in color so I won’t be able detect if I wear my clothes.

    In 4 you said that water dilutes impury and if impurity remains that is negligible. So if the urine drop falls on my calves and not on feet and I pour a mug of water. That water water will go over my feet. I don’t have to to pour another mug of of water on top of my feet since the impurityis negligible? Am I right?

    I am sorry to ask too much.

    • Umer

      Moderator April 11, 2022 at 6:33 am

      If one sees the imputity like in your case (point 1) with naked eyes, then there is no need for smell to be there.

      If you forgot to check then you can check as soon as you remember, and if nothing’s there, then you should not bother about it.

      Regarding (4), Yes, pouring mug of water would suffice

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 11, 2022 at 8:51 am

      Mr. Umer Qureshi, Thank u so much for your reply. May Allah reward you.

      in the previous reply you said, “If one sees the imputity like in your case (point 1) with naked eyes, then there is no need for smell to be there.” Do you mean that if I see impurity directly fall/splash back at me? If I directly see impurity splashing back a t I will wash it . But what if the splashes are during istinja In that case I won’t be able to tell simply by looking with naked eyes since usually it looks like water? I really get confused if it is just pure water or any impurity is mixed with it.

      2)what if I stepped on liquid impurity. Will pouring a mug of water on top of my feet suffice in this case too? Or do I have to flip my feet and pour water on the back of my feet?

      3) If there is a drop of urine or madhiy in my underwear. I don’t wash it since it was not time for prayer and sit in a chair. Then due to hot weather or sitting for a long time makes me sweat in that area. Will the impurity transfer to the chair? Does impurity impurity transfers to other objects due to sweating?

      4) what if there is madhiy in my underwear and I exercise. Due to sweating, will my outer clothes become impure too? Does that mean if I sit in a chair with these sweaty clothes, the impurity will be transfered to the chair?

      5) in discussion 59312 you said that the left hand which is used to do istinja becomes pure with the privates. Urine actually remains even after using water so I use my left hand to wash it off with the spray. Does the left hand become pure if I use the spray after urinating instead of the lota since more water flows when lota is used?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 11, 2022 at 4:22 pm

      1) If you see with naked eyes, then yes, because it makes you certain about its existence. But in case you can’t identify it to a level where it makes you certain about its existence, the you’re under no obligation to do any further action, since there is no hardship in religion and basing one’e decisions on too many doubts would result in unusual hardhip for the person, which is against clear directives of religion and against its spirit as well.

      2) If impurity is on back of one’s feet, then water should be poured there.

      3) This kind of impurity usually doesn’t get transferred by mere sitting unless its in big volume, unless you see clear indication of such transfer taking it to a point of certainty. For mere doubts, please see my response in point (1).

      4) Not necessarily, unless you see clear indication of such transfer taking it to a point of certainty. For mere doubts, please see my response in point (1).

      5) Yes it does become pure if you use spray on it.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 14, 2022 at 11:50 pm

    Salam Mr. Umer Qureshi,

    A)According to the previous reply 3 and 4 the impurity (urine/blood/madhiy) has to come out of my underwear itself and it can not get mixed with sweat and come out of my underwear and impure my outer clothes and objects that I seat in?

    B) in case 3 and 4 even if it transfers to the outer clothes, it has to be in more volume. A drop of urine/blood/madhiy can not do that right?

    C) I read on a site that wetness can spread impurity. Is there a level of wetness in which impurity spreads? Can it spread even when it is little damp or moist and not very wet?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 15, 2022 at 3:04 pm

      A) Maybe it can or may be it cannot, but there’s no way for one to confirm such transfer, therefore, there should be clear evidence for that. Merely assuming this instance and doubting one’s sweat as being impure would be putting oneself in unnecessary hardship.

      B) Small drops get absorbed by the clothes, so normal observation suggests that such small amount would not be able to make their way out through the clothes.

      C) You should refer this query to that particular forum, I am sure they can respond appropriately with level of wetness which spreads impurity.

      I think this all goes against the spirit of religion and at times against clear directives of religion. We are discouraged to let any doubts roam inside our head regarding these routine matters and at times they take form of an OCD and makes an individual go through unusual hardship, which is against the rationale described in directives of religion. Therfore, one should be certain about an impurity.

      Most of what you read on these sites regarding such issues are matters of Fiqh (jurisprudence), which are created by human mind, with utmost honesty of course, but they have as a result made religion more difficult to follow for the individials, something which was not required in sources of religion.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 16, 2022 at 11:36 am

    In A you said “there should be clear evidence” what do you mean by that? Does it mean that I have to see the impurity on my outer clothes itself?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 16, 2022 at 4:26 pm

      Meaning that we need to be certain about its presence by whatever means we use in normal course of our daily lives. Bottomline is that in case of mere doubt, you need not do anything.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 16, 2022 at 11:54 pm

    Thank you for replying Mr. Umer Qureshi. May Allah reward you.

    Since there is no way to confirm if my sweat is mixing with the impurity in my underwear and impuring my outer clothes or not. I should just ignore it. Unless I see the presence of the impurity on my outer clothes. Am I right?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 17, 2022 at 7:38 am

      That is correct.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 17, 2022 at 8:53 am

    But by what means I can be know about its presence?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 18, 2022 at 6:07 am

      Means which usually make us certain about its presence in normal course of life including but not limited to sight (colour or seeing the transfer with eyes), odor etc.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 18, 2022 at 7:04 am

    Mr. Umer Qureshi about the reply number 4 of April 10, 2022 at 8:39 am and April 11, 2022 at 1:35 am of this forum.

    In that reply , if drop of urine fell on my calve and I poured a mug of water. that water will go over my feet. But since the previously poured water will dillute it , I don’t have to wash my feet. Is this true for using the hand spray too?

    I mean if the urine drop falls on my calves and not on feet and I use the hose spray to wash it. That water water will go over my feet. I don’t have to wash my feet. right?

    2) Also if I use half a mug of water instead of a full mug. Will it be sufficient?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 18, 2022 at 8:19 am

      1) Yes, it applies to hand spray as well.

      2) It is for the person to decide. The bottomline is that it should be enough water so as to dilute the impurity and makes it negligible and also takes it away with it.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 18, 2022 at 9:06 am

    Mr. Umer Qureshi, thank you for your reply.

    I think I have a new problem. Whenever I get an impurity on me, I wash it. I am sure I wash pretty well on the first time. But my mind keeps telling me that the impurity is not gone and to use more water . Then I end up washing two or three more times. I didn’t notice this first. My dad pointed it out that I have been using a lot of water recently. Then I noticed I that I am actually using a lot of water. But this never happened before. Do you know any way to stop this?

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 19, 2022 at 5:15 am

      Any updates on this question?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 20, 2022 at 6:10 am

      The only way to stop this is to ignore such doubts. Just know that when you’ve washed it once to your satisfaction then afterward you’re under no obligation to wash it again on mere doubts.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 20, 2022 at 10:40 am

    If I don’t remember a cloth (which was left to wash later) has madhiy on it or not. And madhiy doesn’t have a color or smell. Although it can leave stains but it is unidentifiable because of the presence of regular pure discharge. Then I don’t have to wash it the way I wash impure clothes right?

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 20, 2022 at 11:26 am

      Oh I forgot to mention something. That cloth was separated from the other clothes. So I am suspecting there might be madhiy in it. But I remember that I was in a hurry when I kept it there. So maybe there isn’t any madhiy. Problem is that that cloth has touched several objects. washing a cloth is not a problem but do I have to clean the objects too?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 20, 2022 at 5:03 pm

      You are again basing all your decisions on mere doubts. If that cloth had madhi, you can wash it and if you’re sure that it has touched other clothes where madhi can be detected, then you can wash those too. But you need not work on mere doubts and create unusual hardship for yourself.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 21, 2022 at 1:39 am

    If a cloth had some impurity and my hand touched that cloth but then I suspect that my hand touched the impure part or pure part. Then My hand is pure because of my suspension. right?

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 21, 2022 at 4:15 am

      2.And if I am suspecting a impurity on a surface and before I check someone steps on it causes it to dissappear. Then it is pure too because of lack of certainity right?

      3. if I mistake madhiy/urine for regular vaginal discharge, then I am not obliged to wash it because of lack of certainty. Right?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 22, 2022 at 6:17 am

      1) No, it cannot be said with certainty that your hand is pure or not, but as long as you’re not ignoring impurity knowingly (where you are certain that there is impurity) then you won’t be accountable from a religious standpoint.

      2) Same principle as described in point (1).

      3) Whether it be madhi/urine or regular vaginal discharge and one know it, then one should wash it. Unless there is some medical issue regarding incontinence related to vaginal discharge, in that case washing and checking once is enough and one can pray after that.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 24, 2022 at 6:56 am

    But isn’t regular vaginal discharge pure? I am not obliged to wash it. right?

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 24, 2022 at 7:41 am

      And regarding 1 and 2 if I ignore it and think that my hand is pure. There is no problem. Right?

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 24, 2022 at 8:07 am

      Another question after urinating the spray that is used to do istinja, while doing istinja water splash back at the spray handle. Are these water pure? Should I wash the spray handle?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 25, 2022 at 5:50 am

      There’s no basis to call any such discharge pure. The only relaxation that can be given is on the principle of hardship, where such a discharge is not in person’s control because of incontinence. Otherwise, in normal circumstances, it should be cleaned.

      Yes, there won’t be any problem.

      Same principle will be applied on spray handle which we have discussed above.

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member April 25, 2022 at 10:08 am

      If the vaginal discharge is not in a person’s control (getting it any time of the day everyday, on many days I get it all the time) and one mistakes madhiy or urine for this discharge, what should be done then?

      And questions 1 and 2 asked on April 21, 2022 at 1:39 am and April 21, 2022 at 4:15 am. If I ignore these cases I won’t be accountable from a religious standpoint because of lack of certainty. Right?

      Since washing the spray handle which has splashes while doing istinja after urinating results in hardship. I don’t have to wash it. Then what about my right hand which I used to hold the spray. Do I have wash my right hand ?

      Besides while I do istinja with the spray some splashes also falls on the floor in the front do I have to pour water there? And what if i step on these splashes which are on the floor, do I have wash my feet too?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 25, 2022 at 4:42 pm

      – If one have a strong reason to believe that this is Madhi and/or urine, then one should clean themselves and/or their clothes. But no need to entertain mere doubts. Usually urine and Madhi are not subject to incontinence (as one usually knows when it is about to happen or will happen), if there is no medical issue.

      – yes, correct

      – Since it is not easy to verify whether such spalshes are impure or pure, whose investigation results in hardship, unless there is clear evidence of impurity in a splashback. No need to wash the right hand (apply the same principle).

      – No necessity, unless one sees some impurity and also if one is wearing shoes, no need to wash the feet as well.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member April 27, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    If any thoughts cross my mind which caused me to release madhiy, then I will wash. But what if I forget that some thought crossed my mind. I am really forgetful about things and sometimes absent-minded. Then I won’t be able to detect madhiy since my vaginal discharge will always be there. In that case, if I mistake madhiy for vaginal discharge, then what should I do?

    -suppose, I released madhiy. I checked and saw that it was on my private but not on the clothes. Then washing the private is enough right? I don’t have to wash the clothes or sprinkle water on it right?

    -Just to be sure. If I see clear evidence of impurity in the splashes during istinja( direct falling of urine drops, orange/yellow/reddish drops of water )(or very strong smell of urine coming from it on later visit) then I will have to wash the spray handle/ right hand/ the floor. Otherwise, I don’t have to wash it. Because there is a change is just water or it is water mixed with impurity. I won’t be held accountable for it either. Right? This also applies to toilet seat. Right?

    -When I wash my impure hand on the sink , the water (which is used in washing the hand) falls on the sink top ( area on the sink around the tap) . While washing or later If my hand touched that place will it make my hand impure?

    -I know I have already asked a similar question. But …..If there is a impurity on my chest and i poured a mug of water on my chest then the water will flow down my stomach and body. Now do I have to pour water on the body parts where that water flowed?( Note: when I pour water the water doesn’t go down like all together, it goes down the way water goes down when rain falls on glass mainly like strings. I hope it make sense. I have no idea how to explain)

    -after cleaning my hand after defecating, if some smell remains and I didn’t notice. Then I touched some objects. Later I noticed that the hand was a little smelly. Now do i have to clean the objects that I have touched with that smelly hand?

    • Umer

      Moderator April 29, 2022 at 5:33 am

      – Apply the same rule as discussed above, if you’re certain then clean it and if not then ignore it (consider it vaginal discharge if it is incontinent).

      – Yes, it is enough

      – Yes, that is correct.

      – No it will not unless you see impurity on the sink or on your hand

      – In that case if water is not flowing enough, one can pour more water so that it flows properly.

      – If hand has already been washed then it is not impure, one can wash it again for their satisfaction if they smell anything but it is not impure, neither has it transferred any impurity.

  • Farah Ulfat

    Member May 3, 2022 at 10:46 am

    1) while washing impure hands in the sink the water from sink and my hand will splash back at me and at my cloths, are these splashes impure? Could these splashes be impurity mixed water ? There doesn’t seem to be any way to detect if there is any impurity. It looks like water. Do I have to wash the areas of my body and clothes where these splashes fall?

    2) about the second last question above what I meant is if I pour water on my chest the area where I poured will be covered in water but the water that flows down will flow like strings or lines of water. Do I have to pour water on the areas of my body where these water lines have flowed? I had read that the water that is used to wash an impurity is impure. And all the water that is used is impure until the thing has become pure. Or am I thinking wrong.

    3) on discussion April 20, 2022 at 10:40 am and April 20, 2022 at 5:03 pm you said that if the cloth had madhi then wash it and if I’m sure that it has touched other clothes where madhi can be detected then wash those too. But what if madhi is dried out , then I won’t be able to detect madhiy on the cloth and the cloths that it touched anymore. What should I do then? Actually I am not 100 percent certain if the cloth had madhi or not because I don’t remember. I was absent-minded.

    4) can wadi (which comes out after urinating) be clear white or transparent in color?

    5) Madhiy is actually arousal fluid right? Then it should come out only when I am aroused. How to tell if I am aroused? Or does it come out without being aroused too? I am trying to understand if it is really madhiy what I am thinking is madhiy. Maybe I am understood it wrong and it was just vaginal discharge.

    6) I know dry impurities doesn’t spread. If that dried out impure spot is accidentally scratched with my fingernail, the impurity will not transfer to my finger nail right?

    7) while washing impure hands or an impurity on the sink, the water will splash or sprinkle in the inner walls of sink. Are the areas of the sink where the water which is used to wash the impurity hit impure? Do I have to wash these places of the sink? If while washing or later my hand touched these spots of the sink, will my hand become impure. Do i have to wash my hand?

    8) Few years ago I was really ignorant about cleaning impurity. I have vaginal discharge since I hit puberty. Sometimes when I used to be bored, I would take it in my fingers and rub it like people do with the mucus from nose. Back then I didn’t have the knowledge about Madhiy. I used to released it sometimes but thought it was just vaginal discharge. And same way took it in my fingers and rub it. Problem is I don’t remember if I washed my fingers or not. I had forgotten about it. I remembered this about a month ago. Throughout the years, bedsheets, cloths have been washed so I am sure these doesn’t have any impurity. I have cleaned the door knob and switches in my room after remembering. But the furnitures and switches in the other rooms, other things, especially my table where I read, I can’t clean these. Whenever I touch something with my wet hands my mind starts thinking that the impurity is transfered to my hand. I have been applying the rule of certainty since I am not sure if I have touched those places with my impure hand or not. But I have spent most of my time in the table in my room where I read. There are very high chances that there is impurity in my table. Now when I sit there, my mind doesn’t want to accept the rule of certainty. What should I do? I am really confused. I am currently reading in my bed which is causing my back to hurt. My finals are nearby I have alot of studies to do. I need to sit in that table. What should I do now?

    • Umer

      Moderator May 9, 2022 at 8:22 am

      1) If you’re not certain about impurity, then you need not was such splashbacks.

      2) Nor necessarily, you can decide for yourself whether you would want to pour more water or not. There is no rule of thumb in this case, such matters are left to the individual to decide. If you see that water is not flowing enough, you can pour more water so that it flows properly.

      3) You can ignore when you’re not certain and the impurity has already dried.

      4) It is white in colour as far as I know. It is a thick white secretion discharged after urination.

      5) Madhi is pre-seminal prostatic fluid discharge in men, and sexual vaginal discharge in women. If there was no arousal, the it is something other than Madhi.

      6) Yes it won’t.

      7) The same will be applied as described in point (1) above.

      8) Although you need not do anything in this case, but for the sake of your own peace, you can clean your table.

    • Farah Ulfat

      Member May 14, 2022 at 5:45 am

      1) In response to number 8, I am certain that I have done that action. I am not sure if I washed my hand afterwards. I didn’t clean the other objects and switches, doorknobs. I only cleaned the ones that are in my room. And when I touch something with wet hands and start thinking that I may have touched an impure place. I am ignoring these. Since I am not sure if I touched that place. There is no problem in ignoring these. right? I am not obliged to clean these. Am I? There actually no need to clean. Right?

      2)[In response to number 5] In that case, thinking about romance or watching something romantic or reading something flirty won’t cause madhiy to be released. Unless one is aroused. Right?

      3) But how to tell if I am aroused ?

      4) in response to number 6, if an dried out impure spot is accidentally scratched with my finger nail, the impurity won’t transfer. So if that same fingernail gets a little wet by touching something wet, the fingernail is still pure. Right?

      5) smooth surfaces can be cleaned by wiping with a wet cloth then a dry cloth. Right? Then what about the surfaces which have bumps or curved designs but are smooth? Can these be cleaned with a wet tissue or cloth? Or do I have to pour water?

      6) if I use soap on an impurity, then rub it then wash it. Do I still have to wash the impure cloth three times in a bucket? Or until the soap is gone?

      7) suppose, there is a drop of impurity on my leg. I poured water on it. While I poured water on the impurity some water splashbacked on the floor. Do i have pour water on the splashback on the floor? Or is the density so low that it can be ignored?

      8) suppose urine is mixed with vaginal discharge. I sprayed water for some time but the vaginal discharge didn’t go away. Is the urine still with the discharge or the urine is gone, it is just the discharge? I mean to say is if urine is mixed with something slimy, sticky or slippery, water is sprayed on it but the slimy, sticky or slippery substance doesn’t go away. In that case, is the urine still present there?

    • Umer

      Moderator May 14, 2022 at 7:31 pm

      1) Yes, no need to clean.

      2) Things that you mentioned can actually cause arousal in a person. The intensity may vary from individual to individual, but they have every potential to cause such arousal.

      3) Every individual can decide for themselves. It is something innate in one’s nature, which an individual can accurately decide for themselves.

      4) Yes, it will be pure.

      5) Bumpy surfaces can also be cleaned with a wet cloth. Pouring water is not necessary.

      6) Three times is not a compulsion but one should wash the cloth atleast once.

      7) Being negligible, it can be ignored.

      8) I don’t think it would still be present after natural excretion and spraying afterward.

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