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  • How Can We Interpret If The Song Is Right?

    Posted by Ibrahim Ali on August 3, 2023 at 2:21 am

    As ghamdi shb said in a video I have listened

    It depends on a person to realise and decide if the content of a song or a movie is right for them or not, also the same song which maybe I will be saying it’s not good but the other person may take it in a different way,

    So I wanted to ask If in a song the narrative is singing about an event that happend in their life or about what they imagined which particularly is not about fornication or shirk,

    What is the ruling on it?

    And also I want to give an example please explain further,

    There’s a song “SAY MY NAME” It basically narrates a story about a woman who’s partner is cheating on him with another person he is now in love or whatever

    It’s about how she felt like empty because what he did ,

    What will be the ruling on it

    The song did not have any swear word in it

    It does have two or three words that refers to a relationship between two couples ,

    But to be honest the song’s beat Nd music whenever I hear it

    My heart won’t listen it as a story of that girl or her partner but it just give me a free vibe , so I listen it for the vibe not for what she saying abou her rel with her partner,

    And also sorry for trouble but plz explain it too

    If there is a word refering like ” to drink’ is it possibly matter of how the listener take it for them or how the narrative is explaining

    Like if a kafir would say this word they would be saying about Beer or alcohol but when a Muslim would do so they would be referring to something halal drink,

    Same wise if a narrative is saying “to love/to dance” if the kafir person says so they would be meant to about haram way,

    But when a Muslim say’s so that would be about their own perspective of what is correct or not

    So is it true that a listener can listen a song according to their perspective or they must listen on what the narrative is narrating,

    Like there is a song “double take” the whole song has not even a single bad lyric but some people say it’s a gay song while others say it’s not and the narrator himself don’t clarify himself he is quite on the argument of fans,,

    Kindly help me out I’m confused so badly,,


    Umer replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • How Can We Interpret If The Song Is Right?

    Umer updated 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 20 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator August 3, 2023 at 10:29 am

    Please refer to the following thread and feel free to post a follow-up question in case of any confusion:

    Discussion 86137

    The examples quoted above do not fall in any explicit prohibited domain.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 3, 2023 at 3:17 pm

    I’m still confused

    I want to ask if the songs is about enemy

    The title of song is “enemy ”

    So the person actually talking about his enemy so it’s very obvious they would take actions against their enemy, so will it be consider under prohibition ???

    Like he telling about how people became his enemy when he didn’t do what they asked him to,,

    Likewise songs about individuality and stuff what’s the ruling about themz,

    And also please explain me this too if a song which is inappropriate for me but appropriate for others so would it mean they are shameless??

    Or is it that everyone have different criteria of their minds Nd different interests Nd ideologies,,,

    Nd also is it allowed to listen to any song which actually just narrates the story of the narrator,,,

    The story can be anything about what happened in their life or what usually happens in society,,

    Except if it is about fornication or shirk,

    But what if the message of the song is about to stop the fornication,,

    Would it be permissible????

    Ultimately I want to ask that is it on the listener how he or she takes the art or will it be count as a sin please answer it via msg I have heard the videos I can’t understand them correctly,

    I want to give an example

    Like a man has wrote a song

    “One dance”

    It’s about how he is so torned Nd tired of his overtiming job

    And when he dance his tiredness reliefs or whatever but he does mention the only that lyric which I was curious about

    “Hessenny in my hand”

    Hennessy= some kind of wine but people say a halal hessenny also can be made which have no intoxicants,,

    Anyway I want to ask if he does mentioned this word would this will make the whole song inappropriate or haram to listen,,

    Like wise if someone has wrote a swear word in their song

    But the ultimately it means to get lost or don’t come back through searched in dictionary but the word is used which people often take as a swear word

    Will it make it haram too,

    The song “say my name”

    It contain a lyrics which says

    ” Don’t believe a word u say,

    Still I let u in my bed ,

    Something has to change tonight “

    It does refer to something between couple ,,

    Will it make it haram

    It does not have any open lewdness as alot of songs

    And also I don’t do listen it that way I do mostly vibe to music behind,,

    Please I’m so confuse make it clear for me,,



    • Umer

      Moderator August 5, 2023 at 6:54 am

      As long as the song does not contain explicitly prohibited content which is not subject to any interpretation, those lyrics/songs would be considered prohibited. For example, when the lyrics talk about sexual activity in explicit words (which is used abundantly in rap songs) or when the lyrics talk about committing any other immoral activity in explicit words, like murdering someone identifiable or vilifying some specific person’s character or when the lyrics use abusive language (which is considered vulgar and cannot be used in formal settings like the use of F word) etc.

      As far as the lyrics are not explict and are prone to different interpretation or use a covered up language, the viability of those lyrics is subject to the person’s own discretion. For example, the examples given up regarding the lyrics “Enemy“, “Hessenny in my hand“, “let you in my bed“, none of these lyrics are explict enough to be declared Haram. Now, it is for the person to decide whether his religious sensitivity allows him to listen to one particular song or not. The key in these scenarions is not the person’s decision, rather it is the honesty of the person with himself in making such decisions. As long as the person is honest, then there will be no blame on the person even if he makes a wrong decision in all his honesty.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 5, 2023 at 7:44 am

    Okay I see

    Then it is dependent on how a person take the lyrics when he is honest with themselves,?

    And I want to know

    That f word is something that is became so general and is decided in so many categories like if someone had use this word it will be determined by looking at the scenario and the place where it is used for example,

    There’s song “Thrift shop”

    Which basically is on a man who goes to thrift shop knowing he had 20 dollars and he can buy alot of cheap stuff on that shop so the whole song was about things he bought but he did used the f word like that:

    “I’m gonna pop some checks

    Got 20 dollars in my pockeet I’ma hunting looking for come up,

    His is f***ing awesome,,”,

    That’s what it says

    So will the same word but people know how it’s appliances in that case carries on , so what about it,

    And also the very same song I mentioned about the person talking about how her partner cheated had a very first lyrics

    Which I don’t know who thinks inappropriate or I just want to know that if the whole song is clear but still it has just one word in it that maybe some people thinks is not good will it apply on me too?

    As it’s written in lyrics:

    “Pour a glass ,

    And bite my tonge

    U say I’m the only one;;”

    That’s the only part of lyrics I want to know if it is something I should decide or it is already bad from its roots???

    And if something which I think is not inappropriate for me and other thinks that it is

    Then what should I do

    Should I decide for myself if it is appropriate for me or should I do as others told me to,,

    Jazakallah for the answer

    And I’m sorry for I keep asking same thing

    But I just want to understand deeply so I can’t be doing mistakes in my life,,

    May Allah bless you,,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 5, 2023 at 8:10 am

    And about murder

    Is it also the case even if the person was worthy to get murdered or to get punished ,,

    In some Muslim songs the singer says to Muslim to massacre the tomentors or to finish them all who are wring,

    Or even if in a song a person is talking about their killer intent enemy that war between them is so intense that one might kill before , then??

    And if a song is about revenge so basically revenge comes after when the opposite party has done something wrong first,,


    And is it depended on how a person takes a song as or it is determined as the interpretator told or mostly people interpret as ,,


  • Umer

    Moderator August 7, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Some songs are easily recognizable at an individual level that they include lewd things or other immoral things very explicitly, such songs should be avoided. Some examples to this effect were provided in my earlier response.

    As far as the ‘F‘ word is considered, it is still a taboo word and is not used in formal settings or family settings even as a slang. It is true that if it is used as a slang in any song in a different meaning, the effect is not the same as if it were used in its literal meaning. But still it would be discouraged to avoid such songs (not prohibited, but discouraged). If a song is talking about killing or murdering a specific race of humans etc. then this is definitely immoral and such a song should actually not only be prohibted but should also be considered as a hate crime. Songs about war and revenge in general may be acceptable because they are sung under a pretext that the singer is being wronged by the other person. However, in such songs too, the singer should not associate any immoral activity against a specific person, party or race etc.

    At the end, this decision is not made by the majority, rather this is decision of the person what he things is morally ok to listen and what he thinks is not. Usually, the things which are clearly immoral, the majority shows a consensus. This can complement the decision of the individual but cannot become a basis for his decision. If the matter is so doubtful that the individual cannot make a decision, then in such instances, Muslims have been advised by the Prophet (sws) to follow the path of avoidance.

    Matters which are to be decided by the individual will be judged by the honesty of the individual in making those decisions.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 7, 2023 at 11:04 am

    Jazakallah brother

    May Allah bless you

    You actually cleared my whole confusion,, 🤗

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 7, 2023 at 11:31 am

    So is the song above I qouted

    “Say my name” is it is morally explicit or not ??

    As it had a lyric

    Pour a glass and bite my tongue,,

    I’m asking if it is the majority which knows it’s bad through roots if it is the case plz correct me,

    Or if it is still something not sexually explicit , or I need to decide it based on my criteria,??


  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 7, 2023 at 12:50 pm

    What if you don’t k ow the lyrics of song or bcz if song being in other language , we can’t understand it but some people do vibe on songs without getting to know the lyrics what’ll be the ruling as their intention or their honesty with themselves haven’t done anything wrong in it , it’s just vibing,,,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 8, 2023 at 4:34 am

    Brother last question I want to ask plz

    If in some lyrics it’s like :

    “I’ve been drinking more alcohol for the past five days”

    The reason to ask is there’s the protagonist is telling clearly that she is drinking so would it be haram, from the roots

    Kindly answer these lasts

  • Umer

    Moderator August 9, 2023 at 7:20 am

    – The sentence “bite my tongue” has room for interpretation and cannot be called sexually explicit. The final decision will be yours to make.

    – One can listen to a song in another language, but if one comes to know of anything objectionable (as mentioned above) in the song through any means, then such a song should also be avoided.

    – Not Haram but I’d personally put such lyrics in disliked/discouraged category.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 9, 2023 at 7:25 am

    Jazaki brother,,, May Allah bless you ,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 11, 2023 at 5:24 am

    If the first part of a song is explicitly wrong

    And we know it

    But the last part of song is nothing like that can we use that part in making any edit or video as the lyrics won’t be bad,,??

    Plz answer it

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 11, 2023 at 5:25 am

    Do we get sin for disliked things or are they just perspectives and opinions?

    • Umer

      Moderator August 12, 2023 at 1:54 am

      Violation of all matters of etiquettes, recommended acts in religion or adoption of discouraged acts which are transmitted through Quran and Sunnah, if intentional, would result in minor sins. for example, if one intentionally eats with his left hand despite being right handed. However, personal disliking and discouragement at personal level has some flexibility in it.

      Regarding sins, please see:

      Discussion 80980

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 12, 2023 at 2:54 am

    So for not wearing a scarf would it be consider a sin

    When Allah has given women the choice t make according to their comfort but also made a limit ,,

    Bcz it’s loveable but if she don’t do it,,,

    And also if a man don’t have beard and he don’t even want to have it ,, would it be a sin bcz it’s loveable but not prohibited,,,,

    I am little confused here,,,

    Like if someone has a situation where the person know he won’t be in any temptation but he need to do some work and the work may violate the Sadd e Zariya order ,


    Like also people say a man and woman shouldn’t be in a elevator together

    Or not be in a car together

    I have seen plenty of people doing driving as a job,,

    I’m little confused

    Plz help me with this

    And if one got no desire to the opposite sex ,,

    • Umer

      Moderator August 12, 2023 at 2:58 am

      This discussion has deviated from the main topic. If you want to continue this discussion then pleaae post it as a separate question.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 12, 2023 at 2:59 am


    Then should i start another thread

    And can you answer upon it,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 21, 2023 at 11:23 am

    If a song is about sexual relationship with their partner , but not explicit then what would be ruling,,?

    And if a song consists of a word “kiss” would it make it explicit when “bite my tongue” ain’t explicit above u tell!!!

    I’m asking for the information purpose kindly clear It out


    • Umer

      Moderator August 23, 2023 at 12:27 am

      If it is not clearly explicit then the matter falls for the individual to decide according to his preference and sensitivity towards such matters.

      In some songs, reference to kiss could be explicit, considering the overall song while in others, it may be a passing reference and the overall song is not objectionable. I’d leave the former but could tolerate the latter if the song is not impure holistically. Biting tongue is not a romantic gesture at all, it seems more like a metaphorical gesture to make some point. However, other person can have a different opinion in this regard.

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