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  • Freelancing Work Involving Objectonable Buisnesses

    Posted by Amin Ansar on October 14, 2023 at 9:13 am

    I work as a freelancer and it is pretty easy and stress-free for me to figure out and neglect projects that are haram on their own, for example, designing a bad type of dating app, a website that sells alcohol etc. And most projects, like 90% don’t fall in to this category on being haram.

    But, every single project that I work on, has some kind of haram element in it, and it causes so much stress that when I finally get a project that on its own is not haram but there is a haram element in it, such as a website for a hotel but they have pork and alcohol included in their offerings. In this case, I could ask the client to not make me work on those particular parts but then client goes running away or even if he doesn’t may eventually get frustrated by all those requests to not work on haram elements. Especially problematic when I am thinking of getting married and getting a steady job because in that case losing a job would be harmful even if I have some money saved there is no guarantee if I will get a job if I leave it. And I think these are shaitan’s waswas and he just wants me to start selling dates on streets giving reasonings that this is a test on me that I should leave high paying easy jobs and start doing low paying hard jobs to stay safe.

    I am really stressed about this that I have to look into every project for minor details, looking for haram elements, and after finding something, then spending days figuring out if it really is that big of a deal or I am just overthinking because a lot of those things are speculative, not clear to me as being haram and there is an internal fight in my mind that goes on until I am severely fatigued and have to leave the project having 90 or even 100% progress in it but then realising it has haram element in it and then I just leave the project and give back the money to client.

    What I want to do is just figure out if the project on its own is haram, if it is not, I will work on it even if there is a haram element in it and putting trust in Allah’s mercy because even though I don’t really want to work even on minorly haram things however it is too hard for me to even think and dig deep into every project detail to find haram. And the most difficult part is that it is not just one industry you work in which case one could just figure out once and then work for some good number of years but that’s not the case with freelancing.

    Even on a job that I am aiming for, something impermissible may come up, which if neglected will make me lose that job.

    I am really stressed, please help

    Umer replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Freelancing Work Involving Objectonable Buisnesses

    Umer updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Amin Ansar

    Member October 14, 2023 at 9:29 am

    And I don’t want leave this freelancing industry because it is easy, well paying, and within my interests there is only one issue of haram elements most of which might not even be clearly haram to. Is this a bad reasoning from islamic point of view to not leave this industry? Because I know Allah swt wants ease for us not hardship and I find hardship in leaving this because I have spent years on learning this stuff and the other reasonings I mentioned in this paragraph + it is well-paying however I don’t know if I should do this at the expense of working on those haram elements given my reasonings

  • Umer

    Moderator October 16, 2023 at 9:56 am

    If the primary activity is Halal, for example the business of Hotel itself, then you can ignore the minor deviations like these which come along with every Hotel in the Western Countries.

    Please refer to the following thread for further details:

    Discussion 88321

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