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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Bukhari 5590: Correct Meaning Of Alhir (الحِرَ), Ibn-e-Hazm & Ibn-e-Habban 6272

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  • Bukhari 5590: Correct Meaning Of Alhir (الحِرَ), Ibn-e-Hazm & Ibn-e-Habban 6272

    Posted by Hamza Sulaiman Ahmed on February 5, 2024 at 8:57 am

    I saw a response to the arguments that were made in favour of music being halal in the 23 Objections Series which I wanted to ask.

    1) With respect to Bukhari 5590 it was objected to that the word الحر was translated incorrectly as ‘private parts’ and that the correct translation is illicit sexual behaviour. So illicit sexual behaviour in its nature is prohibited. Could you kindly explain what the correct translation is? Is it also true that this hadith is dhaif as Ibn Hazm said?

    2) With respect to Sahih ibn Hibban 6272, the critic said that the hadith was dhaif. I wanted to know where I could cross check if the hadith was sahih or not.

    I thank you for your help.

    Abdul Sattar Ahmed replied 7 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Bukhari 5590: Correct Meaning Of Alhir (الحِرَ), Ibn-e-Hazm & Ibn-e-Habban 6272

    Abdul Sattar Ahmed updated 7 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar February 7, 2024 at 3:30 am

    On his website, you can check the authenticity of Ahadith if you are looking for it in Urdu. Not all the books of Ahadith are uploaded yet.

    The Hukm for every narrator can be obtained by clicking on his name whether he is reliable.

    The app Islam360 can also help.

    In Arabic, there are many resources to check the authenticity of a hadith, but it requires Arabic. One is here


    الحر) الفرج، وأصله الحرح، والمعنى أنهم يستحلون الزنا

    The translation is correct. The sentence is they would make the private parts halal for them. It is an expression for an illicit sexual relationship that is prohibited because it is illicit. However, a legal sexual relationship with one’s spouse is, of course, halal.

    The hadith in Sahih Ibn Hibban is debated for its authenticity.

  • Umer

    Moderator February 7, 2024 at 3:49 am

    1) Literal translation of the word Al-Hir (الحِرَ) is sexual/reproductive organs and its application is also extended to other acts involving sexual organs like adultery etc. However it needs to be determined from the context and the content that which meaning is being used here which in this particular hadith refers to illegitimate sexual relationships like adultery.

    Please see:

    Discussion 51874 • Reply 84107


    Discussion 78406 • Reply 78432

    As far as Ibn-e-Hazm’s view regarding this narration is concerned, then yes, he considered this narration as disconnected (muallaq) and did not accept it. However, many other scholars of Hadith have accepted this narration to be Sahih.

    For details, you can refer to the following article:

    Views of Ibn-e-Hazm can also be read in the following book available at Amazon. This books is an English translation of work of Ibn-e-Hazm on Music and chess:


    2). Regarding Sahih Ibn-e-Habban 6272:

    Shiekh Nasir-ud-Deen Albani (d: 1999AD) has categorized this narration as weak (Reference:

    But Sheikh Shuaib Al-Arnaut (d: 2016AD) has categorized this narration as Hassan (Reference: page 14/169: and Page 14/170:

    Other Hadith scholars like Hussein Salim Asad Al-Darani (d. 1443H) and Abdo Ali Al-Kushk (d: 1436H) have categorized this narration’s chain as strong. (Reference: Page 6/448: and Page 6/449:

  • Hamza Sulaiman Ahmed

    Member February 7, 2024 at 4:05 am

    Thank you, gentlemen!

  • Abdul Sattar Ahmed

    Member July 25, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    I might be going slightly off topic here just wanted to add 2 things to this discussion:-

    1) I heard from Sheikh Wasim Yusuf that Imma Albani also weakened Bukhari 5590 is that true?

    2) the word Ma’azif does not literally translate to “musical instrument” but rather “the thing on which ‘a’zf’ (playing something in a musical manner to produce a tune) is done on.” Same rule as the word Maqtool means “the person on who Qatl is done on” or the word “musallah” means “the place upon which ‘Sallah’ is done.

    Using the above logic anything used to make music (everyday objects like table, chair etc) can be a ma’zaf. Therefore even the Acapella music and humming used in nasheeds and background music for Islamic videos does qualify as the use of ma,azif as the artist is using his vocal chords and mouth as the ma’azif to do a’zf.

    Plz correct me if I’m wrong.

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