Severity Of Sins – Comparing Adultery With Backbiting
Which sin is generally more severe here :
1. Premarital intimate relationship
2. Backbiting
I heard there is a hadith that says “Backbiting is worse than zina”. This was quite of shocking for me as newly turned muslim but at the same time it was quite enlightening, setting my focuses and principles right in life.
I want to ask just to understand this ethic here, as we’re told and either consciously or subconsciously we believe zina is a severe sin, which ofcourse it is. But at the same time we forget about these grieve horrendous moral crimes that we repeatedly do in day-to-day life.
– So in this example, consider a “Mutual consensual premarital intimate relationship in a culture that has absolutely no problem with such deeds, this is not a crime there.” This would come and fall in the category of 3-sublevel of zina as fas as I have heard from Ghamidi sahab. And the nature of magnitude of the sin too, seems to be from “Huqooq-ul-Allah”
– And at the same time, consider backbiting, which is not criminally offensive too, but at the same time, it is grive sin, as you’re doing something behind your brother’s back. You’re eating their flesh. You’re not taking their consent while doing something unlike former example.
Please put the light on this, although both are big sins, as I’ve read a particular narration ruling over this, I want to really understand magnitude of sins, as the while the former sin is considered too bad, we easily neglect latter one.
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