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  • ASK GHAMIDI Questions Directly Answered By Hassan Ilyas Sahab – Archive

    Posted by Umer on January 12, 2021 at 9:23 am

    Question-01 (ref#0001): Is neutering a pet (Cat or Dog) permissible in Islam?:

    Discussion 33132 • Reply 34037

    Question-02 (ref#0002): Is it permissible to participate in or cheer for violent sports such as wrestling, kickboxing, etc.? On what principle would it be haram or halal?:

    Discussion 34337 • Reply 34399

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please see:

    Discussion 34337 • Reply 48651

    Question-03 (ref#0003): Is it farz to listen and reply to azan ? if yes then what is the correct reply/answer ? Are we to listen all azans happening in our vicinity?:

    Discussion 34391 • Reply 34447

    Question-04 (ref#0004): If someone steals my money or jewelry and I take it back without telling the person to avoid fighting or unpleasant scenarios, does it count as stealing in islam?:

    Discussion 33897 • Reply 34503

    Question-05 (ref#0005): Should watching porn be avoided on the principle of Sadd-e-Zaria or is it considered Haram under “Fawahish” category as mentioned in Surah Araf, verse 33?:

    Discussion 33647 • Reply 34504

    Question-06 (ref#0006): Why not all the surahs are named like Huruf-e-Muqattaat, why only one fourth of Surahs are named like that? Why didn’t any one from Sahaba in 23 years of prophet’s lifetime ask the meaning of these words from the Prophet (sws) Himself?:

    Discussion 1760 • Reply 34505

    Question-07 (ref#0007) Can men wear earrings?:

    Discussion 34367 • Reply 35765

    Question-08 (ref#0008) Is hacking websites permissible in general? If a website promotes vulgar/hateful/misleading content, will it be wrong if someone hacks it? What about ethical hacking where people are paid to hack in order to find vulnerabilities in web sites so that they can be made more secure?:

    Discussion 34610 • Reply 34754

    Question-09 (ref#0009): What does faith have to do with Yemen in the light of following Ahadith?:

    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Faith is from Yemen and unbelief is from the east. Tranquility is found among people who tend to sheep. Pride and showing off are found among the uncivil owners of horses and camels.” [Sahih Muslim]

    – The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ’The best of men are the men of Yemen, belief is Yemeni and I am Yemeni…’ [Ahmad]. etc. etc.

    Discussion 34591 • Reply 35150

    Question-10 (ref#0010): With the advancement in science in coming years, is there a possibility that we can come up with the mechanism on how miracles of Prophets worked in the past? Does the nature of miracles allow for this possibility?:

    Discussion 34145 • Reply 35766

    Question-11 (ref#0011): What is the proof that Juma Salah needs to be conducted under supervision of State in all conditions?:

    Discussion 34817 • Reply 35153

    Question-12 [Follow-up on Question-11] (ref#0011-Aa): If Juma Salah is to be conducted under supervision of a State Authority as a necessary condition, then why is there no ijma and Tawatur among Muslims on presence and applicability of this condition?:

    Discussion 34817 • Reply 36753

    Question-13 (ref#0013): If a judge made a mistake in giving capital punishment- EG to his full knowledge and all of his evidences and his understanding the man deserved the crime (let’s say it was a murder)- but the man was actually innocent- what would happen to the judge. He has taken a man’s life and he never found out. On the day of judgement would he be held accountable for this since he had infringed upon someone’s life?:

    Discussion 34083 • Reply 35152

    Question-14 (ref#0014): We hear a Hadith that Allah gave an order to Angel Jibreel AS to punish a whole nation. The Angel came back to Allah and said that there is one person among them who is always worshipping You. Allah asked The Angel to start the punishment (‘Azab’) with that very person.

    What’s the authenticity of this Hadith? If it’s correct then why was that man punished?:

    (Hadith Reference: Narrated through ‘Ubaid ibn Is’hāq al-‘Attār through ‘Ammār ibn Saif through Al-A’mash through Abu Sufyān through Jābir that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “”Allah revealed to an angel among the angels to destroy so-and-so city with all of its people. He [the angel] said: “”Therein is Your Servant. He never disobeyed You, not even for a blink of an eye.”” He [Allah] said: “”Turn it over on him and them, for his face never showed signs of displeasure for My Sake.””— Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 7, pp. 336, Hadith 7661)”

    Discussion 35745 • Reply 38123

    Question-15 (ref#0016): Is Vasectomy/Tubectomy allowed in Islam?:

    Discussion 36116 • Reply 36316

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please see:

    Discussion 36116 • Reply 51411

    Question-16 (ref#0017): Can Marriage Halls be rented to Non-Muslims for their marriage ceremonies or other gatherings where they drink Alcohol?:

    Discussion 35966 • Reply 36378

    Question-17 (ref#0018): Muslims generally believe that killing a lizard/chameleon is an act of virtue. Can you please explain?:

    Discussion 36039 • Reply 36317

    Question-18 (ref#0019): Is there any problem if we say ‘sat sri akal’ or ‘namasty’ when meeting with Sikh and Hindu friends?:

    Discussion 36121 • Reply 36318

    Question-19 (ref#0020): Can we sing Quran with the help of musical instruments? It is said that Prophet Daud (AS) used to sing Psalms/Zabur with melody and musical instruments as well:

    Discussion 36333 • Reply 36422

    Question-20 (ref#0021): How do we know that whenever Quran is referring to al-ruh (holy spirit), it always means Angel Gabriel (sws). There is no specific mention in Quran referring to Gabrial (AS) either as an Angel or as ruh-ul Quddus (holy spirit), then why do we always assume this?:

    Discussion 35824 • Reply 36754

    Question-21 (ref#0022): How to understand the context and background of the following Hadith:

    Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “If Allah wants to do good for somebody, he makes him comprehend the Religion (i.e. Islam), and Allah is the Giver and I am Al-Qasim (i.e. the distributor), and this (Muslim) nation will remain victorious over their opponents, till Allah’s Order comes and they will still be victorious (Sahih al-Bukhari 3116)

    Discussion 36588 • Reply 36755

    Question-22 (ref#0023): We have an adorable six year old old daughter with special needs. She has extremely limited mobility and needs a lot of assistance with all aspects of her care, including nappy changing, shower and feeding. As our daughter grows old, I wanted to ask, if I as father I can continue to help with nappy changing or showering her?:

    Discussion 36480 • Reply 36756

    Question-23 (ref#0024): Does touching private parts during bath or wuzu break wuzu? Are we required to redo our wuzu in case this happens?:

    Discussion 36669 • Reply 36757

    Question-24 (ref#0025): In social media, a lot of jokes involving God circulate on a daily basis. Such jokes do not generally mean anything directly offensive w.r.t God but are jokes nevertheless. Is there a problem with such jokes when done on a lighter note just for sharing a laughter or two?:

    Discussion 36772 • Reply 38127

    Question-25 (ref#0028): There are few types of online games in which you have to bet against performance of certain players that you choose and can earn actual money from that. Would that be considered gambling?:

    Discussion 36671 • Reply 38128

    Question-26 (ref#0029): Is Surrogacy allowed at an individual level or can we organize this into a business activity? How ethical is using this practice as a business model?:

    Discussion 36979 • Reply 38129

    Question-27 (ref#0030): Issue of Conditional Divorce (‘Shartia Tallaq’) in Islam?:

    Discussion 37700 • Reply 38130

    Question-28 (ref#0031): Should trading of cats and dogs be considered absolutely forbidden in the light of following Hadith?:

    The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade payment for dog and cat“. (Sunan Abi Dawd: 3479)

    Discussion 32118 • Reply 38131

    Question-29 (ref#0032): What if a person who did ‘Hifz’ of Quran in his childhood days forgets his ‘Hifz’ at a later stage in his life?:

    Discussion 37022 • Reply 38132

    Question-30 (ref#0035): Can a woman do Wuzu over makeup?:

    Discussion 38681 • Reply 39012

    Question-31 (ref#0040): Performing Salah at sunrise and sunset is explicitly forbidden by Prophet (sws) because of polytheistic association with those times. Since we know there is no such risk of polytheism in today’s time related to both sunset and sunrise, would it be fair to assume that we can now ignore such timing restrictions and can offer Salah at those times as well?:

    Discussion 39937 • Reply 40452

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please see:

    Discussion 34437 • Reply 44377

    Question-32 (ref#0041): What are Islam’s guidelines on execration/curse/condemnation (bad’dua daina) against some criminal or oppressor?:

    Discussion 39871 • Reply 40453

    Umer replied 3 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • ASK GHAMIDI Questions Directly Answered By Hassan Ilyas Sahab – Archive

    Umer updated 3 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator February 18, 2021 at 2:25 pm

    Question-33 (ref#0044): What are qisas/diyet rules for Unintentional killing of baby by mother?:

    Discussion 43060 • Reply 43240

    Question-34 (ref#0045): Is water necessary for cleaning or a person can use toilet paper?:

    Discussion 42264 • Reply 43799

    Question-35 (ref#0046): Is It Forbidden To Draw The Image Of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?:

    Discussion 41002 • Reply 44204

  • Umer

    Moderator April 8, 2021 at 4:41 pm

    Question-36 (ref#0036): When does Ghusal become obligatory for both men and women? Does the act of copulation itself necessitate ghusal?:

    Discussion 39228 • Reply 46724

    Question-37 (ref#0042): Can zakat be used to support an animal shelter?:

    Discussion 40526 • Reply 46725

    Question-38 (ref#0047): Can a Hairstylist cut hair of an opposite gender?:

    Discussion 44307 • Reply 46726

    Question-39 (ref#0049): Is there anything objectionable if a patient goes to an opposite gender doctor?:

    Discussion 45646 • Reply 46727

    Question-40 (ref#0051): Which Sunnahs (among the list mentioned in Ghamidi Sahab’s Book Meezan) are Farz and which are Mustahab and/or Nafal?:

    Discussion 46106 • Reply 46728

  • Umer

    Moderator May 28, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    Question-41 (ref#0069): Confusion surrounding recent nikah ceremony by Ghamidi Sahab regarding roles and responsibilities of Husband and Wife:

    Discussion 47452 • Reply 50789

    Question-42 (ref#0070): Tools of Satan (what tools does Satan use in misguiding people)?:

    Discussion 48482 • Reply 50790

    Question-43 (ref#0071): Watching movies and listening to music while fasting:

    Discussion 47273 • Reply 50791

    Question-44 (ref#0072): The reason why we observe fasts during ramzan? Does it have to do with it being a harvest month?:

    Discussion 47316 • Reply 50793

    Question-45 (ref#0073): What will be Sharia directives in case human race starts living on moon and on mars?:

    Discussion 48303 • Reply 50794

    Question-46 (ref#0074): Can a wife refuse to have any children due to non-medical reasons?:

    Discussion 49134 • Reply 50795

    Question-47 (ref#0075): Why does Quran repeat the same stories of prophets over and over again?:

    Discussion 48918 • Reply 50796

    Question-48 (ref#0076): Is there any kaffara (penance) for abortion done after 120 days of pregnancy?:

    Discussion 49475 • Reply 50797

    Question-49 (ref#0077): Why do we take Christians as the ones dominating Jews when Quran doesn’t make this distinction? Why can’t it be only Muslims who are true followers of Prophet Jesus (sws) in accordance with Quran (3:55)?:

    Discussion 49867 • Reply 50798

    Question-50 (ref#0078): How can Quran be the witness upon People of the Book on the day of Judgement as mentioned in Quran (4:159)?:

    Discussion 48703 • Reply 50799

    Question-51 (ref#0079): Can children be rude to parents who are treating them in a disrespectful manner?:

    Discussion 50667 • Reply 50800

    Question-52 (ref#0080): Are there any limits on public display of affection between a husband and wife?:

    Discussion 50651 • Reply 50802

  • Umer

    Moderator June 18, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Question-53 (ref#0061): Can we rent out building to a bank?:

    Discussion 49876 • Reply 52190

    Question-54 (ref#0062): Can we make a person stand behind Imam so he can translate Surah Fateha and other surahs that Imam recites aloud in three prayers (Fajar, Magrib, Isha)?:

    Discussion 49930 • Reply 52191

    Question-55 (ref#0063): Is it mandatory for a state to hold separate Jumah Salah in case Eid Salah has already been conducted on the very day? And even if state arranges it, is it compulsory for a Muslim who has already attended Eid Salah to pray Juma Salah separately in a mosque?:

    Discussion 49939 • Reply 52193

    Question-56 (ref#0064): Can the following Hadith of Sahih Bukhari be associated with Prophet Muhammad (sws) considering the overall framework of Quran and Sunnah? The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.”

    Discussion 50034 • Reply 52194

    Question-57 (ref#0065): Why did God allow killing of innocent animals?:

    Discussion 50080 • Reply 52195

    Question-58 (ref#0066): How to make up for illegal property encroachments?:

    Discussion 50132 • Reply 52196

    Question-59 (ref#0067): Will non active ingredients like gelatin and others be considered haram if extracted from pig?:

    Discussion 50316 • Reply 52197

    Question-60 (ref#0068): Is the Maqam-e-ibrahim we have today in Mecca the real maqam-e-ibrahim? Are the foot prints real?:

    Discussion 50375 • Reply 52198

    Question-61 (ref#0081): If a child was given up for adoption by his real parents and he never saw them. When this child grows up, does his real family have any rights over him like they would in a normal family setup?:

    Discussion 50740 • Reply 52199

    Question-62 (ref#0082): Distribution of inheritance in the absence of parents, children and siblings:

    Discussion 51720 • Reply 52200

  • Umer

    Moderator July 27, 2021 at 4:50 am

    Question-63 (ref#0039): There are quite a number of Ahadith allowing Hyena as a Halah Animal which can be both hunted and be eaten. When we know it’s a beastly animal and belongs to clear Khabaees category, then why was it declared Halal and on what principles?:

    Discussion 39652 • Reply 54366

    Question-64 (ref#0050): How to understand the application of the following Hadith:

    A person came to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said: Messenger of Allah, what do you think if a man comes to me in order to appropriate my possession? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Don’t surrender your possession to him. He (the inquirer) said: If he fights me? He (the Holy Prophet) remarked: Then fight (with him). He (the inquirer) again said: What do you think if I am killed? He (the Holy Prophet) observed: You would be a martyr. He (the inquirer) said: What do you think of him (Messenger of Allah) If I kill him. He (the Holy Prophet) said: he would be in the Fire.”

    Discussion 45926 • Reply 54367

    Question-65 (ref#0053): William Lane Craig often says that the rejection of the established history of isa صلى الله عليه وسلم being crucified is the Achilles heel of Islam.Why would Allah cause 600 years of people to be deceived?How did early Christianity spread so quickly if this wasn’t a real event?:

    Discussion 50077 • Reply 54368

    Question-66 (ref#0054): Which acts invalidate the fast? And does masturbation invalidate it? If yes, then what is the source from where we’ve come to know this?:

    Discussion 48283 • Reply 54370

    Question-67 (ref#0056): How often one should change their clothes in case of a bladder problem and what’s the ruling for offering Salah?:

    Discussion 48061 • Reply 54372

  • Umer

    Moderator July 29, 2021 at 3:49 pm

    Question-68 (ref#0055): How can we be sure that the Islamic months we follow are the same as ordained by Allah. Arabs used to have practice of Nasi where they interchanged months or practice of Kabisa where they used to add an additonal month. There are also narrations where Umar (rta) moved back Hijri calendar by 2 months and 8 days. How can we establish ijma and tawatur and correct following of these months?:

    Discussion 47316 • Reply 54500

    Question-69 (ref#0060): If Salah is transmitted through ijma and tawatur and if saying Salam at the end of Salah a compulsory part of Salah, then why don’t Ahl-e-Tashih perform this obligatory act to end their Salah?:

    Discussion 49693 • Reply 54501

    Question-71 (ref#0089): When making a dua in Salah, can one raise his hands like he does when making dua outside of Salah? For example, can one raise hands in تشهّد (‘Tashahud’) when making a dua?:

    Discussion 53874 • Reply 54502

  • Umer

    Moderator July 30, 2021 at 9:46 am

    Question-72 (ref#0090): How to understand the application of the following hadith Hadith:

    The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “A time will come upon the people when a person will wander about with gold as Zakat and will not find anybody to accept it, and one man will be seen followed by forty women to be their guardian because of scarcity of men and great number of women.” (Bukhari-1414):

    Discussion 53871 • Reply 54545

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