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ASK GHAMIDI Questions Directly Answered By Ghamidi Sahab – Archive
Posted by Umer on August 30, 2020 at 6:20 amArchive of Questions selected from AskGhamidi Platform directly answered by Ghamidi Sahab.
Umer replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 47 Replies -
47 Replies
ASK GHAMIDI Questions Directly Answered By Ghamidi Sahab – Archive
Moderator August 30, 2020 at 6:21 amSession – Dated 16th August 2020:
Question-01: Clarification on Quran’s Verse (4:34) i.e. ‘Husband’s right to punish the Wife’:
Question-02: Who are Khulifa-e-Rashideen (The rightly guided Caliphs) mentioned in the Hdith and what does following their Sunnah mean in that particular Hadith? What are their numbers?
Discussion 23325 • Reply 24280
Question-03: Majority of people in the world don’t clean pubic hair and perform circumcision, then how is it to be established that it is a part of human nature / fitrat?
Moderator August 30, 2020 at 6:21 amSession – Dated 22nd August 2020:
Question-01: What does this Hadith mean?
“The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them, and then those who will come after them…”
Moderator August 30, 2020 at 6:21 amSession – Dated 23rd August 2020:
Question-01: Regarding Quran’s linguistic style involving sudden change of immediate addressees:
Moderator August 30, 2020 at 6:21 amSession – Dated 29th August 2020:
Question-01: Is eating Lizard (Goh) halal?:
Discussion 26077 • Reply 28859
Question-02: Why weak chain of narrators for historical narrations in Ghamidi Sahab’s Book Meezan?:
Discussion 28527 • Reply 28626
Question-03: Principle of Sadd-e-Zariya, its application and its limits:
Question-04: Is eating Niyaaz of Moharram Halal?:
Moderator September 14, 2020 at 1:29 amSession – Dated 13th September 2020:
Question-01: Praying Namaze-e-Janaza individually:
Discussion 25422 • Reply 30790
Question-02: Why Ibrahim عليه السلام asked forgiveness for His parents?:
Discussion 29649 • Reply 30803
Question-03: Authenticity of narration on Salah–with each Salah associated with a different Prophet?:
Discussion 28576 • Reply 30791
Question-04: Does soul have a gender?:
Discussion 30605 • Reply 30792
Discussion 30605 • Reply 37179
Question-05: Is is allowed to cull animals?:
Moderator September 20, 2020 at 10:33 pmSession – Dated 20th September 2020:
Question-01: Punishment of Castration for rapists:
Discussion 30809 • Reply 31188
Question-02: Zakat applicable on whole amount or the amount over and above nisaab threshold:
Question-03: How will the presence of degrees/levels in Paradise/Jannah bring ultimate satisfaction to a human being?:
Discussion 30128 • Reply 31189
Question-04: A Muslim involved in business of making coffins for Christians with a cross or statue of Jesus (AS) engraved on them:
Moderator September 28, 2020 at 4:10 amSession – Dated 27th September 2020:
Question-01: Can something Haram be committed to save society from bigger Fasad. For example, to collect evidence of murder (which will convincingly prove the crime) through stealing or other illegal means to keep the murderer behind bars?:
Discussion 31059 • Reply 31703
Question-02: Issue of Piracy and Copyrights infringements both digital and otherwise:
Discussion 31559 • Reply 31705
Question-03: Sweepstakes and Earning (points, tokens, rewards etc.) through watching advertisements:
Question-04: Can Prayer/Salah be offered wearing a lungi for men and Saari for women?:
Moderator October 5, 2020 at 6:50 amSession – Dated 04th October 2020:
Question-01: (i) Credit card late surcharge, why can’t the same late surcharge be imposed in case of ordinary lending activities? (ii) Principal-secured financing seems an unfair arrangement and will only favour the capitalist:
Discussion 32158 • Reply 32440
Question-02: Commission given by pharmaceutical companies to doctors for prescribing their medicines:
Discussion 31814 • Reply 32441
Question-03: In a society where bribery and tax evasion are so common that a person running his own business at times has no other option but to evade tax in order to stay competitive in the market:
Discussion 31275 • Reply 32442
Question-04: Definition of Bidah and saying Juma Mubarak to each other:
Faisal Haroon
Moderator October 6, 2020 at 9:08 pm👌👌👌
Moderator October 12, 2020 at 8:22 amSession – Dated 11th October 2020:
Question-01: I own a convenience store in the U.S and there is a lottery machine installed in its terminal through which I earn lottery commission depending upon its usage:
Discussion 32157 • Reply 33113
Question-02: Ghamidi Sahab’s opinion on interest earned through bank deposits or bank saving accounts:
Discussion 32234 • Reply 33115
Question-03: Surah Rum, verse 27
وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى يَبۡدَؤُاْ ٱلۡخَلۡقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُۥ وَهُوَ أَهۡوَنُ عَلَيۡهِۚ وَلَهُ ٱلۡمَثَلُ ٱلۡأَعۡلَىٰ فِى ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِۚ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ
It says that second creation is easier for Allah, should this be taken in literal sense?:
Discussion 32722 • Reply 33117
Question-04: Surah Yusuf, Verse 42
وَقَالَ لِلَّذِى ظَنَّ أَنَّهُۥ نَاجٍ مِّنۡهُمَا ٱذۡكُرۡنِى عِندَ رَبِّكَ فَأَنسَىٰهُ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ ذِكۡرَ رَبِّهِۦ فَلَبِثَ فِى ٱلسِّجۡنِ بِضۡعَ سِنِينَ
Did Satan actually make the prisoner forget about Yusuf (AS)?:
Discussion 32401 • Reply 33118
Question-05: What is Fidya for leftover fasts which cannot be completed due to permanent illness?:
Discussion 32197 • Reply 33119
Question-06: Does blood from a wound renders Salah or wuzu ineffective?:
Moderator October 19, 2020 at 4:38 pmSession – Dated 18th October 2020:
Question-01: Pets neutering that is practiced now a days:
Discussion 33132 • Reply 33806
Question-02: Offering extra ruku and sujood in nafal salah:
Moderator November 2, 2020 at 10:44 pmSession – Dated 01st November 2020:
Question-01: Ghamidi sahab mentions that there are only two ways to answer something like what France did- respond in a diplomatic manner or, if you have power, call war. Is the persistent blasphemy that they committed a justifiable cause for war? If so, under what principle?:
Discussion 34592 • Reply 34990
Question-02: If we can use force (if we have force) against such countries that promote blasphemy, then why can’t we force them not to insult Islam by taking actions like boycotting, protesting etc. How come its begging?:
Moderator November 10, 2020 at 7:55 amSession – Dated 07th November 2020:
Question-01: There was recently new dress code issued by a big Pakistani Bank requiring all women to do Hijab, wear loose clothing and apply minimal makeup and jewelry while describing it as a mandatory modest dressing in accordance with cultural norms:
Moderator November 16, 2020 at 5:49 pmSession – Dated 15th November 2020:
Question-01: As per Ghamidi Sahab, we can keep a fast and do some extra khairaat (charity) on 12th rabi-ul-awwal but we cannot offer nafal Salah. When we can keep a nafal fast and do some extra khairaat then how come offering of nafal salah comes under Bidah?:
Discussion 34962 • Reply 35872
Question-02: If maiz was given punishment of stoning/rajam in accordance with muharbha /fasad fil arz verses, then why did prophet Muhammad (sws) announce his forgiveness on the day of judgement/qiyamah?:
Discussion 34827 • Reply 35873
Question-03: Surah Hajj, verse 31, there is a metaphor used to describe the menace of Shirk i.e. metaphors like “fell from the sky“, “Bird picked at him” and “Wind blew him away”. What is the linguistic relevance of these metaphors in response to orientalists claiming these as very absurd and irrelevant examples?:
Discussion 32978 • Reply 35874
Question-04: If a woman willingly takes the financial responsibility of the home, can she then become the head of the family? Will she then be required to pay Mehar to the husband instead?:
Moderator December 7, 2020 at 8:02 amSessions – Dated 5th & 6th December 2020:
Question-01: Why did Ibless (Satan) challenge Allah Almighty and His authority when he saw Allah with naked eyes and was aware of the consequences even better than us humans?:
Discussion 35995 • Reply 37111
Question-02: Can a Muslim involve in creating, reading and sharing of jokes which involve God by any mean, even the ones not offensive on the face of it?:
Discussion 36772 • Reply 37112
Question-03: The practice of taking oath on Quran:
Discussion 36768 • Reply 37113
Question-04: Why is there no Tazkiya requirement for fish when we know that they also contain ‘flowing blood’ in them whenever they are cut alive?:
Discussion 36696 • Reply 37114
Discussion 36696 • Reply 37115
Question-05: Surah Maida, verses 33-34, there are two conditions for Muharbah Punishment i.e. ‘Waging war against Allah and His Prophet AND strive to spread anarchy in the land’. The presence of this ‘AND‘ suggests that both these conditions are needed in order to execute someone under Muharbah offence, and the first condition of waging war against Allah and His Prophet is time-specific because this condition can never be fulfilled in today’s time:
Discussion 32487 • Reply 37116
Question-06: Can we commercialize surrogacy and what are its limits, if any?:
Discussion 36979 • Reply 37117
Question-07: Can we enforce treatment on a cancer patient in case he/she refuses to take medical treatment?:
Moderator December 13, 2020 at 3:16 pmSession – Dated 12th December 2020:
Question-01: How to interpret Ahadith in which killing of both parties involved in homosexual act has been ordained?:
Discussion 37348 • Reply 37728
Question-02: Quran says that everything is doing Allah’s Hamd (Tasbih) but we don’t understand their language. Doesn’t the act of praising God (i.e. doing tasbih) require some kind of consciousness at the end of the person (or thing) doing it? While Animals on the other hand do not possess consciousness. How to corroborate these two facts?:
Discussion 37467 • Reply 37729
Question-03: Regarding splitting of the moon incident (Waqia Shaq-e-Qamar) mentioned in Quran; why is it that we find no historical evidence as it being witnessed by significant amount of other people around the globe as well?:
Discussion 37404 • Reply 37730
Question-04: In Surah Saaffaat: For Prophet ilyas (sws), why has Allah used ilyaseen for Him, which is plural?:
Moderator December 28, 2020 at 6:05 pmSessions – Dated 26th & 27th December 2020:
Question-01: What is status of Qul, Chehlum and Chaliswaan in Islam?:
Discussion 38008 • Reply 39272
Question-02: If the whole of Salah has been transmitted to us through ijma and tawatur, then why is there difference between different sects in determination of timing for Asar Salah?:
Discussion 38439 • Reply 39274
Question-03: In Singapore, the government is of Non-Muslims, but a Constitutional institution, Majlis Ulama Islam, Singapore, organizes Juma salah, what would be the status of this Juma Salah?:
Moderator January 10, 2021 at 6:23 amSession – Dated 09th January 2021:
Question-01: Surah Younas, Verse 96 states that only Prophet Younas’ (sws) nation professed faith in Allah and no other nation ever professed faith in the history of messengers (Rusul)? Doesn’t this verse contradict Ghamidi Sahab’s take on nation of Prophet Ismael (sws)?:
Discussion 38809 • Reply 40496
Question-02: The credit card has a credit limit of $X. The bank has given the facility to convert 80% of this credit limit into cash (say $Y = $X*0.8). The cash amount $Y can be used for any purpose. While paying back the cash amount $Y in 12 – 60 monthly installments, the bank also charge ‘monthly handling charges (say $Z)’ with each monthly installment. Do these monthly handling charges $Z count as Sood?:
Discussion 38840 • Reply 40497
Question-03: ACell PRP – A treatment in which A Cell PRP (ACell Matristem) derived from Pig bladder is combined with the patients’ own blood plasma for restoring hair loss. Since it uses pig cell, is it haram in Islam?:
Discussion 38080 • Reply 40498
Question-04: Can the governments of countries lying on Arabian Peninsula celebrate religious festivals of Hindus, Christians and Jews at a state level?:
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:01 amSession – Dated 16th January 2021:
Question-01: Clarification of verse 2:220 “How can orphans be our brother if person marry their mothers”.
Discussion 40843 • Reply 41078
Question-02: Dealing with enforcement of LGBTQ rights on Muslim countries by foreign govts.
Discussion 37593 • Reply 41079
Question-03: Can we break off ties with relatives more than three days?
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:01 amSession – Dated 17th January 2021:
Question-01: Why not show the disbelieves of makkah miracles, why did he show previous nations miracles?
Discussion 40324 • Reply 41081
Question-02: Can Amendments Be Made To A Marriage Contract?
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:02 amSession – Dated 23rd January 2021:
Question-01: How are islamic punishments not applicable to non-Muslim when the Quranic verses do not specify such exceptions?
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:02 amSession – Dated 30 th January 2021:
Question-01: Does Hajj Wipe Out all Sins?
Discussion 41396 • Reply 42095
Question-02: How sects are created? Is Ghamidiat a new sect of Islam?
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:03 amSession – Dated 31st January 2021:
Question-01: Clarification of verse 2:62 “Does this ruling apply to Jews Christians of today’s era too”.
Moderator February 13, 2021 at 2:05 amSession – Dated 6th February 2021:
Question-01: Why are there similarities between Islam and Zoroastrianism?
Discussion 40677 • Reply 42560
Question-02: How can we trust ijma and tawatur when term like son of god was later misrepresented?
Discussion 41405 • Reply 42561
Question-03: Wisdom behind beauty of Hazrat Yusuf (a.s)
Moderator February 14, 2021 at 12:32 amSession – Dated 13th February 2021:
Question-01: Permissibility of sports/ other activities which can endanger life.
Moderator February 22, 2021 at 11:24 amSession – Dated 21st February 2021:
Question-01: Can religious Ulema do business?
Discussion 41458 • Reply 43559
Question-02: Quranic point of view for space exploration
Discussion 43249 • Reply 43558
Question-03: If deen was same from the beginning why there were some changes in shariyah given by different prophets?
Moderator February 23, 2021 at 12:07 amSession – Dated 21st February 2021: (Ilm o Hikmat-Duniya TV)
Question-01:Why there is no Pope like figure in Islam?
Discussion 40663 • Reply 43591 -
Moderator March 7, 2021 at 1:58 amSession – Dated 6th March 2021:
Question-01: Is it forbidden to draw the image of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
Discussion 41002 • Reply 44318
Question-02: Is it permissible to trade in cryptocurrency?
Moderator March 8, 2021 at 4:53 amSession – Dated 7th March 2021:
Question-01: Will there be no difference between Allah and us in paradise?
Discussion 43439 • Reply 44374
Question-02: Can we clean ourselves/ wudu with wet wipes?
Discussion 44236 • Reply 44375 Discussion 42264 • Reply 44376
Question-03: Can we pray during sunrise and sunset today?
Discussion 34437 • Reply 44377
Question-04: On what basis suicide is haram?
Discussion 39355 • Reply 44378
Question-05: Why ablution is described in madani surah?
Moderator April 10, 2021 at 3:09 pmSession – Dated 10th April 2021:
Question-01: How can sahaba be role model when they went on wars with each other?
Discussion 42093 • Reply 46951
Question-02: Humans are creating synthetic life cells does it negate the claim that only Allah can create?
Moderator April 16, 2021 at 2:47 amSession – Dated 15th April 2021:
Question-01: What is the sunnah of the prophet related to when to stop eating at sahoor?
Discussion 47494 • Reply 47548
Question-02: Ghamidi Sb response to rising Cases of rape and comments by some leaders
Moderator April 16, 2021 at 2:26 pmSession– Dated 16th April 2021:
Question: Why aren’t tarawih salah, congregational dua after jamat (congregational salah) and congregational Friday salah without sultan considered as bidah?:
Moderator April 19, 2021 at 2:35 pmSession– Dated 19th April 2021:
Question: How to distinguish between Farz (obligatory) and Mustahab/Nafal (optional) Sunnah from ijma and tawatur?:
Moderator April 22, 2021 at 12:45 pmSession– Dated 22nd April 2021:
Question: Can a Muslim doctor operate to change gender of a person?
Moderator April 27, 2021 at 1:05 pmSession – Dated 27th April 2021:
Question-01: What is meant by Quran verse 57:3 هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ ۖ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ?
Moderator April 30, 2021 at 1:19 pmSession – Dated 30th April 2021:
Question-01: If someone make a vow(Manat) that he or she would go to shahdola dabar and will do salam there and will put silver body(chandi ka bana both) there then he knows later that this manat is Haram this type of Manat is shirk so he should not fullfill this vow so is there any Kaffara of that type of Manat??
Discussion 47154 • Reply 48635
Question-02: What is the need of an mujaddid comes every 100 years to remind muslim of message of Allah when religion is already protected?
Discussion 39296 • Reply 48637
Question-03: How to interpret the following verse (Surah Tariq-86 verse 7), when on the face of it, it goes against modern science and reflects Arabs old understanding of how and from where sperm was produced?
Moderator May 5, 2021 at 12:48 pmSession – Dated 5th May 2021:
Question-01: Is Zakat Obligatory for an unemployed person?
Moderator May 7, 2021 at 1:37 pmSession – Dated 7th May 2021:
Question-01: Do Husband have rights on earning of women? If a woman build assets on her own earning and was sole breadwinner of the family, will still husband own 25% of wife’s assets after her death? What is the just way of writing a will for the woman in this particular case?
Moderator May 22, 2021 at 2:13 pmSession – Dated 22nd May 2021:
Question-01: Context of Hazrat Suleman incident with Horses wrt verse 38:33?
Discussion 49864 • Reply 50352
Question-02: Is there any guidance regarding healing through Quranic verse, Taweez etc. Do they really work?
Discussion 49988 • Reply 50353
Question-03: Can Head of state do business?
Discussion 49185 • Reply 50356
Question-04: Why Hazrat Ayesha participated in various activities when Verse 33:33 prohibited to indulge with social activities?
Moderator August 1, 2021 at 2:24 pmSession – Dated 31st July 2021:
Question-01: When making a dua in Salah, can one raise his hands like he does when making dua outside of Salah? For example, can one raise hands in تشهّد (‘Tashahud’) when making a dua?:
Discussion 53874 • Reply 54724
Session – Dated 1st August 2021:
Question-01: Can govt. regulate age of marriage?
Discussion 51069 • Reply 54675
Question-02: Is there a Kaaba (Bait-e-mamor) in the sky?
Discussion 48700 • Reply 54676
Question-03: Is insurance a mutual sharing contract?
Moderator August 8, 2021 at 1:14 amSession – Dated 7th August 2021:
Question-01: It’s stated That Allah Swt forgive only sins related to Him not others (that is related to among fellow human beings) what is the basis for this point of view? while Quran is stating differently at several places that He will forgive all sins. Please clarify
Discussion 53737 • Reply 54988
Question-02: If some one transgressed against human rights, the person cannot find victim for forgiveness and repaying, Will Allah forgive that person?
Discussion 54697 • Reply 54989
Question-03: Can drugs be used for medication purposes?
Discussion 52521 • Reply 54990
Question-04: Why there was no prophet in the rest of world for 4000 years in regions like India, Australia, USA etc.?
Discussion 50499 • Reply 54993
Discussion 58045 • Reply 65973
Question-05: Did Prophet Mohammad saw eat the meat sacrificed for idols?
Discussion 48008 • Reply 54996
Question-06: دار In The Hadith Of Umm Waraqa, دار can mean a house or an area. In the Hadith of Umm Waraqa, scholars usually take it to mean a house. What leads Ghamidi Sahab to conclude that it means an area or neighbourhood, rather than a house?:
Moderator August 8, 2021 at 2:08 pmSession – Dated 8th August 2021:
Question-01: Why there are difference in prayers of Sunni and Shia?
Moderator August 30, 2021 at 4:18 amSession – Dated 29th August 2021:
Question: If someone makes a ‘will’ for his whole inheritance in favour of one Kalala relative based on some services rendered to him, is that ‘will’ subject to kalala distribution as mentioned in Quran where some portion will be distributed to the siblings of that Kalala relative or the whole ‘will’ in this case will be given to that particular Kalala relative in whose favour the ‘will’ has been made?:
Moderator October 3, 2021 at 4:06 amSession – Dated 2nd October 2021:
Question-01: Can state make laws for homosexual marriages
Discussion 56244 • Reply 57760
Question-02: Can state make law to restrict age to change law?
Discussion 57077 • Reply 57761
Question-03: What Islam says about lucid dreams?
Discussion 44999 • Reply 57762
Question-04: Can a person marry stepsister?
Discussion 45816 • Reply 57763
Question-05: What is Nephilim discussed in Bible?
Moderator October 4, 2021 at 7:46 amSession – Dated 3rd October 2021:
Question-01: Does Heart transplant change nafs of person?
Discussion 57769 • Reply 57842
Question-02: Doesn’t absence of Hell concept in Torah is evidence for corruption in old scriptures?
Discussion 54413 • Reply 57844
Question-03: Invalid reference used in Meezan for variation in Qirat
Moderator February 28, 2022 at 10:41 amSession – Dated 26th February 2022:
Question-01: Is there any ethical issue if one participates in clinical trials for different medicines and in addition to that, also takes money in return?:
Discussion 60849 • Reply 65263
Question-02: What was the need to give Quran a new final arrangement? If Quran is Sarguzisht-i-Anzar of the Prophet (sws), then why wasn’t original struggle and original phases of Prophet’s Dawah kept intact in their original order i.e. the way all the events unfolded and all the phases of Dawah were covered one by one?:
Discussion 57288 • Reply 65264
Question-03: As per Islamic Law of Inheritance, why is it that a sister gets more share than the wife of a deceased in case the deceased didn’t have any parents, children and siblings other than one or more than one sisters only? How is it that a sister is more beneficial for the deceased during his lifetime than the wife herself, how is this justice?:
Moderator March 14, 2022 at 10:05 amSession – Dated 13th Match 2022:
Question: Views of Ghamidi Shaab on efforts to find prophecies and hindu religious scriptures and establishing their correlation with Islam by different Islamic scholars:
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